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Oracle® Communications Services Gatekeeper SDK User's Guide
Release 5.1

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1 Installing the SDK

This chapter contains instructions for installing the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Software Development Kit (SDK).

The SDK is downloaded and installed separately from Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper. You do not need to install Services Gatekeeper to install and run the SDK.

These instructions assume that you have downloaded the SDK and saved it to a local directory, sdk_install_dir.


The Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper SDK provides an Application Test Environment (ATE).

The ATE allows application developers who are creating applications that run on Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper to test their applications without having access to an actual Services Gatekeeper installation.

The ATE contains a set of virtual communication services that simulate the communication services provided by Services Gatekeeper.

Supported Platforms and Modes

The SDK is supported on the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP and Windows 7

  • Redhat Linux, Version 5

  • Mac OS X 10.6

The installer can be invoked in the graphical user interface (GUI), console, or silent mode on all operating systems. The default is GUI mode.

Silent mode is for installing duplicate installations on multiple machines without responding to prompts.

On Windows and Linux you can use the platform-specific installer or the generic installer. The Windows and Linux installers include a bundled Java Runtime Environment ("JRE 160_18") and do not require setting any environment variables.

You must use the generic installer on Mac OS X, and you can use it optionally on Windows and Linux. The generic installer requires that a JRE be installed on your system and that the JAVA_HOME system variable be set to its path. The version must be JDK1.6.0_04 or higher for the SDK to run properly.

You can also download the installer files in a ZIP file. Downloading and saving the files as a ZIP file makes it easier to repackage and redistribute the SDK.

Pre-Installation Tasks

There are no pre-installation tasks for Windows and Linux.

The Mac OS X SDK installer expects an rt.jar file in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/. Because this file does not exist on Mac OS X, you need to perform some setup tasks before starting the installer.

Before installing on Mac OS X, open a command window and run the following commands:

export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home

mkdir $JAVA_HOME/jre

mkdir $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib

touch $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar

Installing in GUI Mode

This section describes how to install the SDK in GUI mode on all platforms.

To install the SDK in GUI mode:

  1. From sdk_install_dir, do one of the following:

    • To start the Windows installer, enter:

      ocsg_sdk500_win.exe [-mode=gui]

    • To start the Linux installer, enter:


    • To start the generic installer on Windows or Linux, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_sdk500_generic.jar [-mode=gui]

    • To start the generic installer on Mac OS X, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_sdk500_generic.jar [-mode=gui]

      You must use the generic installer to install the SDK on Mac OS X and explicitly pass the operating system (UNIX) as a command-line argument.

    After you start the installer, the Choose Middleware Home Directory window appears.

    The Middleware home directory contains the JRE and related support files for the SDK.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To install into an existing Middleware home:

      1. Select Use an existing Middleware Home.

      2. From the list of existing Middleware home directories, select a directory.

      3. Click Next.

        The Java virtual machine (JVM) Selection window appears.

    • To install into a new Middleware home:

      1. Select Create a new Middleware Home.

      2. In the Middleware Home Directory field, enter the path for the new Middleware home directory.

      3. Click Next.

        The JVM Selection window appears.

  3. Do one of the following:


    If you are using the Windows or Linux installer, selection in the JVM Selection window specifies whether to use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) bundled with the SDK or to use a local JVM that is already installed on your machine.

    There is no bundled JRE with the generic installer. If you are using the generic installer, you must enter a local JVM in this step. The JDK version must be JDK1.6.0_04 or higher.

    • To accept the default JRE, click Next.

      The Choose Product Installation Directories window appears.

    • To select a bundled JRE, if there is more than one

      1. Select the check box next to the bundled JRE that you want the SDK to use.

      2. Click Next.

        The Choose Product Installation Directory window appears.

    • To select a local JVM:

      1. Click Browse.

      2. Navigate to the home directory of your local JRE.

      3. Select the local JRE directory.

        The selected directory appears checked in the Local JVM field.

      4. Click Next.

        The Choose Product Installation Directory window appears.

  4. In the Product Installation Directories field, enter the path of the product installation directory.

    The product installation directory contains the SDK package.

  5. Click Next.

    The SDK is installed.

    When installation is complete, the Installation Complete window appears.

  6. Click Done.

    The installer exits.

Installing in Console Mode

This section describes how to install the SDK in console mode on all platforms.

To install the SDK in console mode:

  1. From sdk_install_dir, do one of the following:

    • To start the Windows installer, enter:

      ocsg_sdk500_win.exe -mode=console

    • To start the Linux installer, enter:

      ocsg_sdk500_linux.bin -mode=console

    • To start the generic installer on Windows and Linux, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_sdk500_generic.jar -mode=console

    • To start the generic installer on Mac OS X, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_sdk500_generic.jar -mode=console

      You must use the generic installer to install the SDK on Mac OS X and explicitly pass the operation system (UNIX) as a command-line argument.

  2. At the Choose Middleware Home Directory prompt, do one of the following:

    • To use an existing Middleware home directory, do the following:

      1. Enter the number next to the existing directory that you want to use as Middleware home.

      2. Enter Next.

    • To create a new Middleware home directory:

      1. Enter 1.

      2. Enter Next.

      3. At the Enter new Middleware Home prompt, enter the path to the new Middleware home directory or accept the default.

      4. Enter Next.

  3. At the JVM Selection prompt, do one of the following:

    • To use the default bundled JRE:

      Enter Next.

    • To enter a new JVM:

      1. Enter 2.

      2. At the Enter New Local Java Home prompt, enter the path of the JVM for the SDK to use.

      3. Enter Next.


      There is no bundled JRE with the generic installer. If you are using the generic installer, you must enter a new JVM in this step. You can use the Browse button to navigate to the path of your installed JRE. The JDK version must be JDK1.6.0_04 or higher.
  4. At the Product Installation Directory prompt, enter the product installation directory:

    1. Enter the path you want to use as the new product installation directory or accept the default.

    2. Enter Next.

    The SDK is installed. You will see the Congratulations! Installation is complete. message when the installation is complete.

Installing in Silent Mode

This section describes how to install the SDK in silent mode on all platforms.

Use silent mode for installing duplicate installations on multiple machines.

This is accomplished through a configuration file called silent.xml that you create. You then specify the silent.xml file as a parameter when you start the installer in silent mode.

When silent mode is used, the installation program does not display any options during the installation process.

In the silent.xml file, you set the values for the directories that the installer normally prompts for as <data-value> elements. Table 1-1 lists the directory names as they must be specified in the <data-value> elements.

Table 1-1 Directory names in silent.xml file

Name in silent.xml File Meaning


Full path name to the Middleware Home directory


Full path name to Product Installation directory


Full path name to local JVM directory for the SDK to use. If not specified, the JRE bundled with the SDK is used.

The following is a sample silent.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 Values for silently installing the SDK 
      <data-value name="BEAHOME" value="D:\OCSG\sdk"/>
      <data-value name="OCSGSDK_INSTALL_DIR" value="D:\OCSG\sdk\sdk"/>           
      <data-value name="LOCAL_JVMS" value="C:\oracle\java\jdk160_05">


To install the SDK in silent mode:

  1. Create a silent.xml file similar to the example above.

  2. Save the silent.xml file in sdk_install_dir.

  3. From sdk_install_dir, do one of the following:

    • To start the Windows installer, enter:

      ocsg_sdk500_win.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml

    • To start the Linux installer, enter:

      ocsg_sdk500_linux.bin -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml

    • To start the generic installer on all Windows or Linux, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_sdk500_generic.jar -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml

    • To start the generic installer on Mac OS X, enter:

      java -jar ocsg_sdk500_generic.jar -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml

      You must use the generic installer to install the SDK on Mac OS X and explicitly pass the operation system (UNIX) as a command-line argument.

The installation proceeds with no prompts.

Uninstalling the SDK

On Windows, you can uninstall the SDK using the Uninstall OCSG SDK menu item on the Windows Start menu.

On all platforms, you can run the uninstall program on the command line from Middleware_Home.

To uninstall the SDK from the command line:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • On Windows, enter MIDDLEWARE_HOME/utils/uninstall/uninstall.exe

    • On Linux and Mac OS X, enter MIDDLEWARE_HOME/utils/uninstall/

    The Welcome window appears.

  2. Click Next.

    The Choose Components window appears.

  3. Verify that the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper SDK check box is selected.

  4. Click Next.

    The uninstall program starts and the Uninstalling Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper SDK window appears.

    When the uninstallation process is complete, the program displays Uninstall Complete.

  5. (Optional) If you wish to see a list of the files that were not removed, click Details. You can remove these files manually.

  6. Click Done.

    The installer exits.