These utilities are installed during the Knowledge Center installation process. 

These utilities are compiled into the installer, used during installation, and then deleted during the Knowledge Center installation process. 

  • UsageTrackingConversionCmd.exe: Command line utility used by the installer to convert Usage Tracking data in a Usage Tracking database into a Knowledge Center database, including user, topic tracking, and reporting information. 
  • InstallFiles.exe: Utility used by the installer to install the help systems. 
  • UninstallHelper.exe: Utility used by the Knowledge Pathways Web Server 5.5 uninstaller to restore virtual directories in use that were removed during uninstallation. This utility is only installed if a Knowledge Pathways Web Server 5.5 virtual directory was updated during installation, and will be removed by the Knowledge Pathways Web Server 5.5 uninstallation. 

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