Assessments can be directly linked to a module or section in the outline and appear in the table of contents. Assessments that appear in the outline are also known as inline assessments. Assessments can be placed anywhere in the table of contents as a child document of the module or section to which it is linked. For example, an assessment in the outline at the end of a module or section can function as a review of the material in that module or section. 


Inline assessments can function as pre-assessments and post-assessments by where they are placed in the outline. In a Player output, an assessment that precedes a section of content lets the user know what content areas they need to learn and what they can skip. An assessment that follows a section of content lets the user know what content they need to re-review to gain competency in the subject matter. 


In the Knowledge Center (Professional edition only), inline assessments can be used to create personalized content. 

Table of Contents