The HTML Web site is a very simple set of HTML pages with the steps to perform the transaction but without the high interactivity of the other deployment formats. 

When you publish content an HTML Web site package, the result is an HTMLPages folder. This folder contains an index.html file which is the main page; it contains the outline you chose to publish with links to the topics. The keywords.html in this folder lists all keywords for the published content and contains links to the associated topics. Below this folder, there is a tpc subfolder which contains a subfolder for each topic and attachment in the content you chose to publish. There are .html files that display all the steps for a particular topic, as well as .html files for each frame of each topic and all attachments. There are also .png files for each topic frame bitmap and each attachment.


Note: The HTML Web Site can be included when you publish a Player package. If a user has a non-supported browser, the HTML Web Site launches instead. 

To make published content available to your users via the Web, copy or move the entire file structure to your Web server. Make sure that the upper and lower case letters of all the file and folder names are preserved in the copy exactly as they were created by the publishing process. Then, create a link from your existing Web page to index.html or default.htm.

When users access the main page, they can click the links to display the concept for a module, section or topic, or they can click the topic name to display a list of all the steps for the selected topic. Users can click the Start Topic link at the bottom of the page to display the first step, or click the Step # link below the line of instruction text to move immediately to the indicated frame. On a frame page, users see the appropriate screenshot with the action area indicated by a thick red border. The frame's instructional text appears below the screenshot. To advance through the topic, users can click the action area or the Next Step link located below the frame's instructional text. Further, any Alternative Actions or Alternative Paths are described below the primary action. Users can also press ALT+Left Arrow or click the browser's Back button to return to the previous screen. There are also links at the bottom of the page to return to the Table of Contents or the Topic Overview page.

Note: The HTML Web site is designed to meet 508c compliant requirements for accessibility. The site meets the following requirements: it can be read by a screen reader such as JAWS; it is not color dependent; the font size can be changed by the user; it is fully functional without using a mouse; and does not depend on an audio track for functionality.

Table of Contents