Although you create and manage roles using role lists, additional roles can exist in your Library that are assigned to one or more documents but are not included in any role list. Such roles can arise as a result of conversion or import, as described later in this section. 

During import, the Developer identifies all roles used in the imported content. It then compares these roles to the master role list of the same language. If any of these roles is not included in the appropriate master role list, the Developer attempts to add the role to the role list. If the role cannot be added to the list, for example, if the master role list is open in an editor, the role is still kept in the content but is not included in any role list.

When you open a role list for which such roles exist, you are prompted to add these roles to the role list. Clicking Yes adds these roles to the role list; clicking No opens the role list without adding the roles. In the latter case, you can still update the master role list to include such roles from within the Role Editor.

Although you can allow roles to continue to exist in your Library as additional roles in use that are not included in any role list, this is not recommended, as such roles are available for role assignment only in certain cases. (See Assign Roles to Modules, Sections, or Topics for further detail.) Rather, it is recommended that you include all roles in use in your content in the appropriate master role list, thus making them available for assignment to all documents of the same language.

To update a master role list from the Role Editor:

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Update Master Role List.
    The Developer searches documents of the same language as the role list and adds any roles that are not currently in the document.
  2. Save and close the role list document.

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