If you previously recorded content and the context ID has changed in the application, you can recapture the context ID only instead of re-recording all of the content. There are several reasons for recapturing context IDs.

Although re-recording the topic or recapturing the frame's action also captures the context ID, those methods replace any customizations you have made to the object type, object name, action, or action area. Re-recording the context ID captures the values for the screen without overwriting your action modifications. 


To add or change context recognition for previously recorded content, you must re-record the context ID for each screen that has a new context. When re-recording context IDs, you can start from any frame you choose. The Recorder opens with a Preview of Original window that displays the frame screenshot on the left and the frame bubble text on the right. The mouse pointer changes to a magnifying glass, as it moves over the Preview the Original window, allowing you to zoom in/zoom out as necessary to set up the screenshot. The bubble text used in the preview window is from the active display mode in the Topic Editor. As you perform the action and press PRINTSCREEN to record the context ID, the Recorder advances to the next frame automatically. 


Before starting the re-record process, it is a good idea to choose the frame on which you want to begin by navigating to it in the Topic Editor. However, if you are on the wrong frame when the Recorder opens in Re-recorder Context mode, the Previous and Next Frame arrows allow you to navigate forward and/or backwards within the current path to locate the appropriate frames for re-recording the context. As you advance through the topic frames, by either performing the steps or manually navigating the frames, only the screen context on the current frame is re-recorded when you press PRINTSCREEN. After pressing PRINTSCREEN, the Recorder “light” (top-right) flashes to indicate that new context information was captured, overwriting the previous value.

The re-recording context process ends automatically when you reach the end of the topic. You can also end the process at any time using the Finish button in the Recorder. This flexibility allows you to stop re-recording and restart it again on any frame.


Note: Automatic recording mode and the Undo button are not supported when re-recording context for a topic. Re-recording context is always a manual process.


The re-recording process and the Preview of Original window handle the different types of frames as follows:

  • Action frame: After the context ID has been recorded, it advances to the next frame in the sequence of the topic.
  • Explanation frame: These frames are skipped because these frames are informational and do not have context IDs.
  • Alternative Actions/Paths: When a frame has an Alternative action or path, the Alternative icon appears in the Preview of Original window between the screenshot and the bubble. Clicking this icon will scroll through all of the alternatives. You can choose which alternative you want to capture. You may need to restart the re-record process to capture the context ID for each Alternative action and path. Note that Alternative actions that were automatically captured when you recorded the topic will not be re-captured during re-recording. You must manually re-record those Alternative actions to capture the context IDs.
  • Decision frames: The Preview of Original window displays the Decision frame links, and you can choose which path to re-record. However, once the path is re-recorded, the Recorder does not return to the Decision frame to access the other paths. To re-record the context for the additional paths, it is best to end your re-recording and then restart the context re-record process from the Decision frame for each path.
  • No-context frame: You can capture the context and context ID for this frame by recording the action.
  • Drag & Drop Sequences: For frames containing drag & drop sequences, only the button down part of a context can be recorded. The rest of the drag sequence is skipped during re-record, including the button up.

Note: You can manually change the ExactMatch context IDs in the Context ID dialog box. SmartMatch context IDs cannot be edited so you must recapture the Context ID if the application screen changes. See Context Recognition in the Recorder in the Record Topic Content chapter for more information on the difference between ExactMatch and SmartMatch.


To re-record the context ID starting at the current frame:

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Re-record Context IDs.
  2. Set up the target application at the appropriate screen.
  3. If necessary, use the Previous Frame or Next Frame arrows in the Recorder to navigate to the frame to be re-recorded.
  4. Press PRINTSCREEN to start recording.
  5. Perform the action as indicated in the Recorder window.
  6. Press PRINTSCREEN to capture the context ID for the screen.
  7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 as necessary.
    The Recorder closes automatically when you re-record the last frame in the topic. If you want to stop the re-record process before the end of the topic, click Finish in the Recorder window.

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