Questions and Assessments, like other document types, can contain broken links for a variety of reasons. 

If the link to a question is broken, the question is excluded from the published output. This occurs if the question is deleted from the Library. If the question is renamed or moved to another location in the Library, the link remains intact.

The following scenarios describe how broken links in questions and assessments affect publishing:

Background graphic is missing from package

If the background graphic used in a question was removed from the package where it resided, a broken graphic image displays in the Preview pane but the question does not display in the Broken Links pane. A Broken Link message is created in the Activity Log but the question publishes without a graphic.

Package with background graphic is missing

If the package with the background graphic used in a question was removed, a broken graphic image displays in the Preview pane and the question displays in the Broken Links pane. A Broken Link message is created in the Activity Log but the question publishes without a graphic.

Package with content used in a question is missing

If the package with content used in a question was removed, a message indicating the package may have been deleted displays in the Preview pane and the question displays in the Broken Links pane. A Broken Link message is created in the Activity Log. The question does not publish but the other content publishes.

File linked to content in a package is missing

If the file linked to content in a package was removed, a message indicating the file can not be found displays in the Preview pane but the question does not display in the Broken Links pane. A Broken Link message is created in the Activity Log and the question does not publish.

Broken link to question template

If a link to the question template is broken, the question does not appear in the Preview Pane but does appear in the Broken Links pane. A Broken Link message is created in the Activity Log and the question does not publish.

Broken link to associated content

If a link to associated content is broken, the question displays in the Broken Links pane. An error message is created in the Activity Log and the question publishes without the associated content.

Assessments links to a deleted question

If an Assessment links to a question that was deleted, a message indicating the question does not exist displays in the Preview Pane and the assessment appears in the Broken Link pane. A Broken Link message is created in the Activity Log and the Assessment publishes without the question.

Note: See View and Repair Broken Links in the Manage Document Relationships chapter of the Content Development manual for information on resolving broken links.

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