Accumulates the values of mbrName within rangeList, up to the current member in the dimension of which rangeList is a part.


@ACCUM (mbrName [, rangeList])


Any valid single member name or member combination (or a function that returns a single member or member combination) whose value is to be accumulated.


Optional comma-delimited list of members, member set functions, or range functions, across which the accumulation occurs. If rangeList is not specified, Essbase uses the level 0 members from the dimension tagged as Time.



In this example, Accum Asset is calculated using the following formula:

"Accum Asset" = @ACCUM(Asset, FY1997:FY2002);

This example produces the following report. This report shows that the values for Asset are accumulated starting with FY1997 and the yearly accumulation value is placed in Accum Asset for FY1997 through FY2002:

             FY1997   FY1998   FY1999   FY2000   FY2001   FY2002
            =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======
Asset         9,000        0    1,000        0   2 ,500    1,500
Residual        750        0        0        0  #MISSING #MISSING
Life              5        0        3        0  #MISSING #MISSING
Accum Asset #MISSING #MISSING   1,000    1,000    3,500    5,000

The value of Accum Asset is #MISSING for FY1997 because that is the starting year. The value of Accum Asset is #MISSING for FY1998 because there was no accumulation that year. For FY1999, the value of the asset grew by 1,000, so Accum Asset has a value of 1000.