Lists all base members that are associated with the specified attribute member (attmbrName). This member set function can be used as a parameter of another function, where that parameter is a member or list of members.


@ATTRIBUTE (attMbrName)


Single attribute member name.


When @ATTRIBUTE is used with a non-level 0 member of an attribute dimension, Essbase returns all base members that are associated with the children of the attribute member. For example, in the Sample Basic database, @ATTRIBUTE(Large) returns all base members that fall into one of the population ranges for the attribute parent Large.

If you specify the name of a Boolean attribute dimension (for example, Caffeinated), Essbase returns all base members that are associated with either Caffeinated member (for example, True or False). To return only one, specify the member name (for example, @ATTRIBUTE(Caffeinated_True)).

You may have duplicate Boolean, date, and numeric attribute member names in your outline. For example, 12 can be the attribute value for the size (in ounces) of a product as well as the value for the number of packing units for a product. To distinguish duplicate member names, specify the full attribute member name (for example, @ATTRIBUTE(Ounces_12)).

The generated list of members is sorted in ascending order from the database outline. This order is important to consider when you use the @ATTRIBUTE member set function with certain forecasting and statistical functions.


In the Sample Basic database,


returns all base members with the Can attribute: Cola, Diet Cola, and Diet Cream.

Consider the following two calculation scripts, which are based on the Sample Basic database:

/* To increase the marketing budget for markets with large populations */
Marketing = Marketing * 1.1;
/* To calculate the average sales of bottled products */
"Bottle Sales" = @AVG(SKIPBOTH,@ATTRIBUTE(Bottle));

See Also