Returns a formatted date-string.


@FormatDate(date, date_format_string)


A number representing the input date between January 1, 1970 and Dec 31, 2037. The number is the number of seconds elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1970. To retrieve this number, use any of the following functions: @TODAY, @TODATEEX, @DATEROLL.

Date-time attribute properties of a member can also be used to retrieve this number. For example, @AttributeVal("Intro Date"); returns the product introduction date for the current product in context.


One of the following literal strings (excluding ordered-list numbers and parenthetical examples) indicating a supported date format.

  1. "mon dd yyyy" (Example: mon = Aug)

  2. "Month dd yyyy" (Example: Month = August)

  3. "mm/dd/yy"

  4. "mm/dd/yyyy"

  5. "yy.mm.dd"

  6. "dd/mm/yy"

  7. "dd.mm.yy"

  8. "dd-mm-yy"

  9. "dd Month yy"

  10. "dd mon yy"

  11. "Month dd, yy"

  12. "mon dd, yy"

  13. "mm-dd-yy"

  14. "yy/mm/dd"

  15. "yymmdd"

  16. "dd Month yyyy"

  17. "dd mon yyyy"

  18. "yyyy-mm-dd"

  19. "yyyy/mm/dd"

  20. Long format (Example: WeekDay, Mon dd, yyyy)

  21. Short format (Example: m/d/yy)



Assume the outline has a date type member MyDate1.

Profit (If(@ToDateEx("yyyy-mm-dd", @FormatDate(@Today(), "yyyy-mm-dd")) == MyDate1 )

See Also