Member Formulas

Member Formulas are used to calculate the default outline format on a custom formula within the script. As with formulas in the database outline, a formula in a calculation script defines mathematical relationships between database members. For example, the following expressions are valid within a calculation script:


Specifying a member name with a formula defined in the outline calculates the member using its formula.

Expenses = Payroll + Marketing;

The above formula expresses a simple mathematical relationship, which is used in place of the database outline formula on the Expenses member.

Interdependent Member Formulas

Essbase optimizes calculation performance by calculating formulas for a range of members in the same dimension. However, some formulas require values from members of the same dimension. A good example is that of cash flow, in which the opening inventory is dependent on the closing inventory from the previous month.

For examples of interdependent formulas, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

When you use an interdependent formula in a calc script, the same rules apply as for the IF statement. You need to:

If you place the following interdependent formula in a calc script, you construct it as follows:

"Opening Inventory" (IF(NOT @ISMBR (Jan))"Opening Inventory" = 
@PRIOR("Ending Inventory"));
"Ending Inventory" = "Opening Inventory" - Sales + Additions;)

The entire formula is enclosed in parentheses and associated with the Opening Inventory member, "Opening Inventory" (IF(fixend.htm)…).