Conditional and Logical Operators

Conditional operators build logical condition into calculations.

IF | ELSE | ELSEIF | ENDIFTests conditions and calculates a formula based on the success or failure of the test
>Data value is greater than
>=Data value is greater than or equal to
<Data value is less than
<=Data value is less than or equal to
= =If data value is equal to
< > or !=Data value is not equal to

Logical AND linking operator for multiple value tests. Result is TRUE if both conditions are TRUE. Otherwise the result is FALSE.[1]

ORLogical OR linking operator for multiple value tests. Result is TRUE if either condition is TRUE. Otherwise the result is FALSE.[2]
NOTLogical NOT operator. Result is TRUE if condition is FALSE. Result is FALSE if condition is TRUE.[3]

1 The logical constants TRUE and FALSE are interpreted as 1 (TRUE) and 0 (FALSE) where appropriate.

2 The logical constants TRUE and FALSE are interpreted as 1 (TRUE) and 0 (FALSE) where appropriate.

3 The logical constants TRUE and FALSE are interpreted as 1 (TRUE) and 0 (FALSE) where appropriate.