Compiles the proceeds of a compound interest calculation. The calculation is based on the balances of the specified member at the specified rate across the specified range.


@COMPOUND (balanceMbr, rateMbrConst [, rangeList])


Single member specification representing the beginning balance across a range of periods. The input can be either one deposit or a series of deposits. If balanceMbr is a constant, then Essbase assumes balanceMbr to be a single deposit in the first member of rangeList. This is equivalent to entering the constant value in the first member in the rangeList followed by zeros. The function keeps track of each deposit separately, but returns a composite value. If balanceMbr is a member, or a range, then it is assumed to be a series of deposits.


Single member specification, variable name, or numeric expression in decimal form. This represents the interest rate per time period specified in the rangeList. If your interest is compounded monthly, this value would be the annual interest rate divided by 12.


Optional. A valid member name, a comma-delimited list of member names, member set functions, and range functions from the dimension tagged as Time. If rangeList is not specified, Essbase uses the level 0 members from the dimension tagged as Time. rangeList represents the range over which the interest is compounded. The last value in the range is the total compounded interest for that range.


Financial functions never return a value; rather, they calculate a series of values internally based on the range specified.


The following example determines the compound interest of a series of deposits, based on a credit rate of 0.0525, across a series of fiscal years:

"Compound Interest"=@COMPOUND(Deposit,"Credit Rate",FY1998:FY2001,FY2002);

This example produces the following report:

               FY1998   FY1999   FY2000   FY2001   FY2002
               ======   ======   ======   ======   ======
Credit Rate    0.0525  0.0525    0.0525   0.0525    0.0525
Compound Interest   0     105  110.5125 273.8144  288.1897
Deposit             0   2,000         0    3,000         0

See Also