Calculates a series of values that represents a compound growth of values (the first nonzero value in the specified member across the specified range of members) across time.

The growth factor is calculated by multiplying the growth rate in the current time period by the previous period's result, yielding a compounded value. You can change the growth rate from period to period by placing a nonzero value in the current period's rateMbrConst cell.


@COMPOUNDGROWTH (principalMbr, rateMbrConst [, rangeList])


Member specification representing the initial value to be compounded. The input line must be a single deposit.


Single member specification, variable name, or expression which provides a constant value. This value can change across rangeList, making the new value be the new compound rate. If the value in the current period is zero, the compound rate is equal to zero, and the principal does not change.


Optional. A valid member name, a comma-delimited list of member names, member set functions, and range functions from the dimension tagged as Time. If rangeList is not specified, Essbase uses the level 0 members from the dimension tagged as Time.


Financial functions never return a value; rather, they calculate a series of values internally based on the range specified.


The following example determines the compound growth of Principal Amount based on Growth Rate across a series of fiscal years.

"Compound Growth"=@COMPOUNDGROWTH("Principal Amount",
    "Growth Rate",FY1998:FY2003);

This example produces the following report:

                 FY1998 FY1999 FY2000 FY2001  FY2002  FY2003
                 ====== ====== ====== ======  ======  ======                     
Principal Amount  2,000  2,000  2,000  3,000  2,500    -500
Growth Rate      0.0525      0      0      0      0       0
Compound Growth   2,105  2,105  2,105  2,105  2,105   2,105

See Also