Forecasting Functions

Forecasting functions manipulate data for the purpose of smoothing, interpolating, or calculating future values. Forecasting functions are often used in planning, analysis, and modeling applications. Some forecasting functions recognize the optional Range List Parameters rangeList or XrangeList).

FunctionData Manipulation
@MOVAVGApplies a moving average to a data set, replacing each term in the list with a trailing average. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVMAXApplies a moving maximum to a data set, replacing each term in the list with a trailing maximum. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVMEDApplies a moving median to a data set, replacing each term in the list with a trailing median. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVMINApplies a moving minimum to a data set, replacing each term in the list with a trailing minimum. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVSUMApplies a moving sum to a data set. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVSUMXApplies a moving sum to a data set, enabling specification of values for trailing members. This function modifies the data set for smoothing purposes.
@SPLINEApplies a smoothing spline to a set of data points. A spline is a mathematical curve that is used to smooth or interpolate data.
@TRENDCalculates future values, basing the calculation on curve-fitting to historical values