Function Parameters

The following table provides a brief description of some of the common parameters used in various functions.


Member names that are also keywords, such as IF, THEN, ELSE, and RETURN, must be enclosed in quotation marks. It is recommended practice to always enclose member names in quotation marks.

attDimNameA single attribute dimension name specification.
attMbrNameA single attribute member name specification.
@WITHATTR("Pkg Type","= =",Can)
dimNameA single dimension name specification.
expListA comma-delimited list of member names, variable names, functions, and numeric expressions, all of which return numeric values.
expressionAny mathematical or numeric expression that is valid within Essbase and that, when calculated, returns a numeric value. This definition of expression also includes parameters such as numDigits, generation, and level, and other similar parameters for the financial group of functions, such as rateMbrConst and lifeMbrConst.
@ROUND(Sales / 10.0 + 100)
genLevNameGeneration or level name specification.
genLevNumAn integer value that defines the number of a generation or level. A positive integer defines a generation number. A value of 0 or a negative integer defines a level number.
mbrListA comma-delimited list of members.
mbrNameAny valid single member name or member combination, or a function that returns a single member or member combination. This definition also includes similar parameters, such as balanceMbrName, costMbr, and cashflowMbr, for the financial group of functions.
For functions that expect a single member name (for example, @DESCENDANTS and @CHILDREN), if a member combination is provided, Essbase uses the first member in the combination. For example, if mbrName is Utah->Sales, Essbase uses Utah.
nA positive or negative integer value.
rangeListA valid member name, a comma-delimited list of member names, member set functions, and range functions from the same dimension. If rangeList is optional and is not specified, Essbase uses the level 0 members from the dimension tagged as Time. If no dimension is tagged as Time and this parameter is omitted, Essbase reports a syntax error. This definition of rangeList also includes mbrList.
tagAny valid account tag defined in the current database including First, Last, Average, Expense, and Two-Pass.

To ensure that the tag is resolved as a string rather than a member name, it is recommended to enclose it in quotation marks.