Sets the maximum time limit per query for SQL queries from a Hybrid Analysis Relational Source. When set on a Oracle datasource, this setting is ignored and a warning message is logged in the application log file.


HAMAXQUERYTIME [appname [dbname]] n


This setting determines how much time an SQL query operation can take before it is forcefully terminated. HAMAXQUERYTIME is a specific limit to an Essbase query that spans the Hybrid Analysis Relational Source and is set in the essbase.cfg file. The value set is dependent on how long an SQL query issued on behalf of an Essbase query can take to complete.

An important distinction exists between the purposes of HAMAXQUERYTIME and QRYGOVEXECTIME. Note that QRYGOVEXECTIME affects the entire query, such as from the time a user double-clicks a cell to retrieve data in Spreadsheet Add-in to the time the results are displayed. HAMAXQUERYTIME, on the other hand, affects only a portion of the Essbase query, such as the individual SQL queries from the Hybrid Analysis Relational Source. When a query spans Hybrid Analysis data, QRYGOVEXECTIME is disabled for the rest of the overall query, and the query timer controlled by HAMAXQUERYTIME takes effect.



See Also