Returns the specified member and its right siblings.




Any valid single member name or member combination, or a function that returns a single member or member combination.


This function returns the specified member and all of the right siblings of the specified member. Right siblings are children that share the same parent as the member and that follow the member in the database outline.

This member set function can be used as a parameter of another function, where that parameter is a list of members.

Essbase sorts the generated list of members starting with the specified member, followed by the right siblings of the member (that is, siblings appearing below the member in the database outline) in ascending order. Using Sample Basic as an example, if you specify 200-20 for mbrName, Essbase returns 200-20, 200-30, 200-40 (in that order). This order is important to consider when you use the @IRSIBLINGS member set function with certain forecasting and statistical functions.


In the Sample Basic database:


Returns Florida, Connecticut, and New Hampshire (in that order). Connecticut and New Hampshire appear below Florida in the Sample Basic outline.


Returns Qtr3 and Qtr4 (in that order). Qtr4 appears below Qtr3 in the Sample Basic outline.

See Also