Returns the result of a logarithm calculation where you can specify both the base to use and the expression to calculate.


@LOG (expression [, base])


Single member specification, variable name, function, or other numeric expression. If less than or equal to 0, Essbase returns #MISSING.


Optional. Single member specification, member combination, or numeric expression.

  • If the base value is #MISSING, less than or equal to 0, or close to 1, Essbase returns #MISSING.

  • If the base is omitted, Essbase calculates the base-10 logarithm of the specified expression. @LOG(Sales) is equivalent to @LOG10(Sales).


The @LOG function returns the logarithm of expression calculated using the specified base. @LOG (x,b) is equivalent to logb(x).


The following example is based on a variation of Sample Basic:

LOG2_Sales = @LOG(Sales,2);

This example produces the following result:

                                     Cola East
                Jan        Feb       Mar            Nov      Dec
Sales           100   #MISSING       120 . . .        0      210
LOG2_Sales  6.64386   #MISSING   6.90689 . . .  #MISSING  7.71425

See Also