Performs wildcard member selections.


@MATCH (mbrName|genName|levName, "pattern")


The default or user-defined name of the member on which to base the search. Essbase searches the member names and alias names of the specified member and its descendants.


The default or user-defined name of the generation to search. Essbase searches all member names and member alias names in the generation.


The default or user-defined name of the level to search. Essbase searches all member names and member alias names in the level.


The character pattern to search for, including a wildcard character (* or ?).

? substitutes one occurrence of any character. You can use ? anywhere in the pattern.

* substitutes any number of characters. You can use * only at the end of the pattern.

To include spaces in the character pattern, enclose the pattern in double quotation marks ("").


This function performs a trailing-wildcard member selection. Essbase searches for member names and alias names that match the pattern you specify and returns the member and alias names it finds.

If the members names in the database you are searching are case-sensitive, the search is case-sensitive. Otherwise, the search is not case-sensitive. To define database member names as case-sensitive, use Outline Editor in Oracle Essbase Administration Services. See the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help.

You can use more than one @MATCH function in a calculation script.

If Essbase does not find any members that match the chosen character pattern, it returns no member names and continues with the other calculation commands in the calculation script.


In the Sample Basic database:


Returns 100-10, 200-10, 300-10, and 400-10


Returns Jan, Jun, Jul


Returns 100 (Colas), 100-10 (Cola), 100-30 (Caffeine Free Cola), 300 (Cream Soda)