Alter Application

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Change application-wide settings.

Permission required: Application Manager.


Syntax diagram for alter application.APP-NAMENumbers in MaxL SyntaxSIZE-STRINGDatabase-Level System RolesVARIABLE-NAMEDBS-STRINGCOMMENT-STRINGVARIABLE-NAME

Use alter application to change the following application-wide settings:


set lock_timeout

Change the maximum time interval that locks on data blocks can be held by Spreadsheet Add-in users. When a client data-block lock is held for more than the time out interval, Essbase removes the lock and the transaction is rolled back. The default interval is 60 minutes. This setting affects all databases in the application.

set max_lro_file_size

Specify a maximum file size for Linked Reporting Objects (LRO) attachments. There is no default. There is no minimum or maximum value, excepting limitations imposed by your system resources.

set minimum permission

Grant all users a minimum level of permission to all databases in the application. Users with higher permissions than this minimum are not affected.

set variable

Assign a string value to an existing substitution-variable name. If the variable does not exist, first create it using add variable. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations in the application.

set type unicode_mode

Migrate an application to Unicode mode. Migration to Unicode mode cannot be reversed.

load database

Start (by loading into memory) an idle database. The statement will fail if you do not have at least read privilege for the database.

unload database

Stop (by unloading from memory) an active database. The statement will fail if you do not have at least read privilege for the database.

enable startup

Permit all users to load (start) the application. This only applies to users who have at least read privilege for the application. Startup is enabled by default.

disable startup

Prevent all users from loading (starting) the application. Startup is enabled by default.

enable autostartup

Start the application automatically when Essbase Server starts. By default, autostartup is disabled.

disable autostartup

Do not start the application automatically when Essbase Server starts. By default, autostartup is disabled.

enable commands

Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make requests to databases in the application. Use to reverse the effect of disable commands. The disable commands setting remains in effect only for the duration of your session. By default, commands are enabled.

disable commands

Prevent all requests to databases in the application, including non-data-specific requests, such as viewing database information or changing database settings. All users are affected, including other administrators. Administrators are affected by this setting as a safety mechanism to prevent accidental updates to databases during maintenance operations. This setting remains in effect only for the duration of your session. The setting takes effect immediately, and affects users who are currently logged in, as well as users who log in later during your session.


If performing maintenance operations that require disabling commands, you must make those maintenance operations within the same session and the same script as the one in which commands were disabled.

By default, commands are enabled.

enable updates

Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make requests to databases in the application. Use to reverse the effect of disable updates. Disabling updates remains in effect only for the duration of your session. By default, updates are enabled.

disable updates

Prevent all users from making requests to databases in the application. Use before performing update and maintenance operations. The disable updates setting remains in effect only for the duration of your session.


If performing maintenance operations that require updates to be disabled, you must make those maintenance operations within the same session and the same script as the one in which updates were disabled. By default, updates are enabled.

enable connects

Allow all users with sufficient permissions to make connections to databases in the application. Use to reverse the effect of disable connects. By default, connections are enabled.

disable connects

Prevent any user with a permission lower than Application Managers from making connections to the databases that require the databases to be started. This includes starting the databases or performing the ESSCMD SELECT command on the databases. Database connections remain disabled for all databases in the application, until the application setting is re-enabled by the administrator.

By default, connections are enabled.

enable security

When security is disabled, Essbase ignores all security settings in the application and treats all users as Application Managers. By default, security is enabled.

disable security

When security is disabled, Essbase ignores all security settings in the application and treats all users as Application Managers. By default, security is enabled.


Enter an application description (optional). The description can contain up to 80 characters.

clear logfile

Delete the application log located in the application directory. A new log is created for entries recording subsequent application activity.

add variable

Create an application-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a string value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later using set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and report scripts.

If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database level substitution variable supersedes an application level variable, which supersedes a server level variable.

drop variable

Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the application.

rename to

Rename the application. When you rename an application, the application and the application directory (ARBORPATH\App\application_name) are renamed.

sync user

Synchronize the named user's information on this Essbase application with the latest matching user information found on Shared Services. To issue this statement, you must be an Administrator, Application Manager, or Database Manager.

sync group

Synchronize the named group's information on this Essbase application with the latest matching group information found on Shared Services. To issue this statement, you must be an Administrator, Application Manager, or Database Manager.

sync all_users_groups

Synchronize all user and group information on this Essbase application with the latest user and group information found on Shared Services. To issue this statement, you must be an Administrator, Application Manager, or Database Manager.


Re-establish this Essbase application as a Shared Services application. This statement reregisters the application with Shared Services, in the event that you have:

  • deleted the application from Shared Services but kept using it in Essbase.

  • changed the Essbase Administration Server location, name, or port number.

  • changed the Essbase Server name or port number.

To issue this statement, you must be an Administrator or Application Manager.

all reregister

Re-establish this and all other Essbase applications as Shared Services applications. This statement reregisters the applications with Shared Services, in the event that you have:

  • deleted the application from Shared Services but kept using it in Essbase.

  • changed the Essbase Administration Server location, name, or port number.

  • changed the Essbase Server name or port number.

To issue this statement, you must be an Administrator or Application Manager on all applications; for any applications for which you do not have sufficient permissions, the re-registration will be skipped with a warning.


alter application Sample set minimum permission read;

Grants all users read access to all databases in the Sample application. Users can retrieve data values and run report scripts.

alter application Sample disable commands;

Prevents all users from making requests to the application scope. Use this statement before performing application-wide update and maintenance operations.

alter application Acme set variable Current_month July;

Assigns the string value July to the substitution variable "Current_month." "Current_month" may be referenced by calculations in the Acme application.