Alter Session

Set MDX display options.


Syntax diagram for alter session.PRECISION-DIGITS

Use alter session to change the following MDX output settings:



Revert to the default MDX display settings in the MaxL Shell. The default settings are: alias ON, metadata_only OFF, cell_status OFF.

alias on|off

Set whether to use aliases instead of member names.

metadata_only on|off

Set whether to show only the metadata, with no data.

cell_status on|off

Set whether to display cell status. Cell status is additional information returned with each cell value in MDX query outputs.


Every cell consists of one member from each dimension. Up to four cell-status types may be returned with the output:

  • DC: Dynamic Calc. If any of the members defining the cell is Dynamic Calc, this status is on.

  • RO: Read Only. If the cell cannot be written to (for example, by lock-and-send), this status is on. Security filters in the database might cause cells to be read-only. Dynamic Calc cells are automatically read-only.

  • CM: Calculated Member. If any of the members defining the cell is a calculated member, this status is on.

  • LO: Linked Object. If the cell has any associated Linked Reporting Objects, this status is on.

numerical_display fixed_decimal| scientific_notation|default

Set whether MaxL returns data values in MDX query output as fixed decimals, scientific notation, or default format (values are returned in a reasonable combination of decimals or scientific notation).

precision <precision-digits>

Set the number (0-15) of decimal places to include for the data values in MDX query output.

formatted_value on|off

Set whether to return formatted values for all cells of type text or date, or cells associated with a format string. By default, this setting is on.

get_missing_cells on|off

Set whether to return #Missing valued cells for all cells of type text or date, or cells associated with a format string. By default, this setting is on.

get_meaningless_cells on|off

Set whether to return #Meaningless for cells that are empty only because they are unassociated with the context attribute or varying attribute. By default, this setting is off, and the empty cells display as #Missing.

The following example query gets sales for all products, but the aggregation is specified by the slicer context only for Ounces_12.

{Sales, Cogs} 
FROM Sample.Basic
WHERE (Ounces_12)

A value of #Meaningless is displayed for any members not associated with the attribute Ounces_12.