Alter System (Aggregate Storage)

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Change the state of the Essbase Server. Start and stop applications, delete application log files, manipulate system-wide variables, manage password and login activity, disconnect users, kill processes, back up the security file, and shut down the server. Permission required: Administrator.


Syntax diagram for alter system (aggregate storage).APP-NAMENumbers in MaxL SyntaxNumbers in MaxL SyntaxVARIABLE-NAMEADMIN-SVCS-LOCATION

You can change the following system-wide settings using alter system.


load application

Start an application, or start all applications on the Essbase Server.

unload application

Stop an application, or stop all applications on the Essbase Server.

set session_idle_limit

Set the interval of time permitted for a session to be inactive before Essbase Server logs off the user. The minimum limit that you can set is five minutes (or 300 seconds). When the session idle limit is set to none, all users can stay logged on until the Essbase Server is shut down.

The default user idle logout time is 60 minutes. When a user initiates a calculation in the background, after 60 minutes the user is considered idle and is logged out, but the calculation continues in the background.

Because the user may mistakenly assume that the calculation stopped because he or she was logged out, you can do one of the following to correct the user experience:

  • Run the calculation in the foreground

  • Increase the session idle limit in to a time that exceeds the duration of the calculation, or to none

set session_idle_poll

Set the time interval for inactivity checking and security-backup refreshing. The time interval specified in the session idle poll gives Essbase instructions:

  • Tells it how often to check whether user sessions have passed the allowed inactivity interval indicated by session_idle_limit in the alter system statement.

  • Tells it how often to refresh the security backup file. If session_idle_poll is set to zero, the security backup file is still refreshed every five minutes.

set invalid_login_limit

Set the number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed by any user before the user account becomes disabled. When you change this setting, the counter resets to 0. When the invalid login limit is set to none, there is no limit. By default, there is no limit.

set inactive_user_days

Set the number of days a user account may remain inactive before the system disables it. The counter resets when the user logs in, is edited, or is activated by an administrator. When the inactive days limit is set to none, user accounts remain enabled even if they are not used. By default, there is no limit.

set password_reset_days

Set the number of days users may retain passwords. After the allotted number of days, users are prompted at login to change their passwords. The counter resets for a user when the user changes the password, is edited, or is activated by an administrator. When the password reset days limit is set to none, there is no built-in limit for password retention. By default, there is no limit.

set variable

Change the value of an existing subsitution variable on the system. The value must not exceed 256 bytes. It may contain any character except a leading ampersand (&).

set sss_mode

Migrate Essbase Server and any existing users and groups to Shared Services security mode. Minimum permission required: Administrator. After you have converted to Shared Services security mode, you cannot revert to native security mode.

Password Enforcement Grammar:

  • enforce username_as_password—Create passwords that are the same as user names for users being migrated to Shared Services.


    The passwords are created in lowercase letters, even if the user name includes uppercase letters. For example, if a user name KSmith is migrated with this option, the password will be ksmith.

  • enforce auto_password—Automatically generate new passwords for users being migrated to Shared Services. To see the generated passwords, use display user all in shared_services_native with auto_password;

    Optionally save the generated passwords to a nondefault file location. If specifying a file name that already exists, use the force keyword to overwrite the file.

    If file name and location are not specified, passwords are saved by default to $ARBORPATH\bin\MigratedUsersPassword.txt.

  • enforce password <PASSWORD>—Generate the specified password for users being migrated to Shared Services.

set eas_loc

Set or change the Essbase Administration Server location that will be registered with Shared Services upon application creation or migration.

set server_port

Expand a port range specified in essbase.cfg. Each Essbase application uses two ports from this range. If no more ports are available, an error message is displayed.


You can expand port ranges only so that the beginning port range is less than SERVERPORTBEGIN and the ending port range is greater than SERVERPORTEND.

clear logfile

Clear accumulated entries from the Essbase Server log located in the Essbase directory. New log entries are created to record subsequent activity.

add variable

Create a system-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a string value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later using set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and report scripts.

If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database-level substitution variable supersedes an application-level variable, which supersedes a server-level variable.

drop variable

Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the system.

logout session all

Terminate all user sessions currently running on the Essbase Server.

logout session...force

Terminate a session (or sessions) even if it is currently processing a request. The request is allowed to proceed to a safe point, and then the transaction is rolled back.

logout session <session-id>

Terminate a session by its unique session ID number. To see the session ID number, use display session.

logout session by user

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user, either across the entire Essbase Server, or limited to a specific application or database.

logout session by user on application

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user across a specific application.

logout session by user on database

Terminate all current sessions by a particular user across a specific database.

logout session on application

Terminate all current user sessions across a specific application.

logout session on database

Terminate all current user sessions across a specific database.


Shut down the Essbase Server.

kill request all

Terminate all current requests on the Essbase Server.

kill request <session-id>

Terminate the current request indicated by the session ID. You can obtain session IDs using display session.

kill request by user

Terminate all current requests by the specified user on the Essbase Server.

kill request on application

Terminate all current requests on the specified application.

kill request on database

Terminate all current requests on the specified database.

sync security_backup

Check whether the security backup file is the same as the security file, and if not, synchronize the security backup file with the current state of Essbase security. The effect is to refresh the backup file with any additions, changes, or deletions related to applications, databases, users, groups, filters, permissions, subsitution variables, locked objects, and system settings.

If sync security_backup is not issued directly as described above, the security backup file is checked/refreshed automatically at the same frequency with which session inactivity is checked globally. The default inactivity check interval is every five minutes. To change the interval, use set session_idle_poll, or see the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help.

compact security file

Defragment the security file. Fragmentation can gradually develop when objects such as users, groups, applications, or databases are removed or changed. Please note that this operation slows down agent activity until the operation is completed, which could take a few minutes.


When Essbase is started using a security backup file (essbase_timestamp.bak) instead of essbase.sec, reconcile the security file to match the state of Essbase on an external disk. This grammar displays discrepancies in application and database information between the security file and the external disk:

  • If an application folder is on the disk but not in the security file, display a message indicating the discrepancy. (Essbase checks for the presence of a appname/ file in the ARBORPATH/app directory.)

    The force option does not apply in this scenario.

  • If an application file is in the security file but not on the disk, display a message indicating the discrepancy.

    The force option removes the application from the security file.

  • If an application database folder is on the disk but not in the security file, display a message indicating the discrepancy. (Essbase checks for the presence of a dbname/dbname.otl file in the ARBORPATH/app/appname directory.)

    The force option does not apply in this scenario.

  • If an application database file is in the security file but not on the disk, display a message indicating the discrepancy.

    The force option removes the database from the security file.



A session is a single user connection to Essbase Server. The session can be identified by keywords and names indicating context, or by a unique session ID number.

A request is a query sent to Essbase Server by a user or by another process; for example, starting an application or restructuring a database outline. Only one request at a time can be processed in each session.

If a session is processing a request at the time that an administrator attempts to terminate the session, the administrator must either terminate the request first, or use the force kewyord available with alter system to terminate the session and the current request.





alter system unload application Sample;

Stops the Sample application, if it is currently running.

alter system logout session by user Fiona;

Disconnects Fiona from any applications or databases to which she is connected.


To log out a user, log out the sessions owned by that user.

alter system set password_reset_days 10;

Specifies that all users will be prompted after 10 days to change their passwords. The day count for any user is reset when the user changes the password or is edited or reactivated by an administrator.

alter system set sss_mode enforce password “password”;

Migrates the Essbase Server to Shared Services security mode, specifying the initial password for all users.