A shorthand name used in the in the create partition statement for referring to an already-specified member expression that designates which areas of the databases should be partitioned.


name (see MaxL Syntax Notes)


In the create partition statement below, "foo" is an area-alias for the member expression specified in the area specification. To create area-aliases, enter the alias names after the member expression in each area specification. To specify which area is relevant when mapping members (if applicable), refer to its alias name in the mapped phrase.

In the example below, the alias name as created is shown in this color, and it specifies which area (in other words, it refers to the entire member expression string, '@IDESCENDANTS(East) @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)'). The alias name as referenced is shown in this color.

create or replace replicated partition sampeast.east
        area '@IDESCENDANTS("Eastern Region"), @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)'
to at aspen
as admin identified by 'password'
        area '@IDESCENDANTS(East) @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)' foo
        mapped foo (Year) to (Yr)
update allow validate only;


All area aliases used in a mapping should be associated with the target (as in the example above), and the direction of member names listed in the mapped clause should go from source to target.

Referenced By

create partition