Railroad Diagram Symbols

The following table describes the meaning of symbols used in railroad diagrams.

Two right-pointing arrows followed by a line.Statement begins here.
A line ending withone right-pointing arrow.Statement continues on next line.
A right-pointing arrow followed by a line.Statement is continued from previous line.
A line ending with one right-pointing arrow and one left-pointing arrow.Statement ends here.
Two ladder rungs recessed below the main line. Word on top recessed rung is bolded, and word on second recessed rung is not.Alternatives: optionally select one keyword. Boldface indicates default if no selection is made.
Three ladder rungs attached to main line, with words on them.Alternatives: selection of one keyword is required.
A recessed ladder rung with a comma on it.A comma-separated list of any length is permitted.
TERMINAL-NAME. All caps.Word is not further defined. Replace with value of format shown in the Terminals table.
<NON-TERMINAL>. All caps, and enclosed in angle brackets.Word used in statement is further defined.
<NON-TERMINAL> followed by ::= symbols. All caps, and enclosed in angle brackets.Non-terminal used in statements is defined here.