Java Code Examples

The Java code for examples of custom-defined functions is provided in the file statisti.jav, copied below. For more information about the classes, methods, and constants in the statisti.jav file, see the Oracle Essbase Statistics Java Package.

The code contained in the statisti.jav file is implemented in the ESSBASEPATH\java\essbase.jar file. The examples in the statisti.jav file use constants which are defined in the essbase.jar file. To use the constants defined in these examples, you must import the Calculator class constants defined in the essbase.jar file.


package com.hyperion.essbase.calculator;

 * This class provides a set of simple statistical routines. Some of them
 * are present native in Essbase as well and some are not.
 * Contains:
 * <ul>
 * <li>min, max</li>
 * <li>sum, weighted sum</li>
 * <li>product, weighted product</li>
 * <li>average, weighted average</li> 
 * <li>geometric mean, weighted geometric mean</li>
 * <li>harmonic mean, weighted harmonic mean</li>
 * <li>variance (var and varp), weighted variance</li>
 * <li>standard deviation (stdev and stdevp), weighted standard deviation</li>
 * <li>covariance, weighted covariance</li>
 * <li>correlation, weighted correlation</li>
 * <li>skewness, weighted skewness</li>
 * <li>kurtosis, weighted kurtosis</li>
 * <li>rank, mode, median, percentile, quartile</li>
 * </ul> 
public final class Statistics implements CalculatorConstants {
 * Computes minimum value of given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @return minimum value in the array
public static double min (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;
	double min = data [0];
	boolean flag = (min == MISSG);
	for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            if (flag) {
                min = d;
                flag = false;
            else if (d < min) {
                min = d;
	return min;

 * Computes maximum value of given sequence. Missing values are ignored.
 * @param data data array
 * @return maximum value in the array
public static double max (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;
	double max = data [0];
	boolean flag = (max == MISSG);
	for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
	    double d = data [i];
	    if (d != MISSG) {
	        if (flag) {
	            max = d;
	            flag = false;
	        else if (d > max) {
	            max = d;
	return max;

 * Computes sum of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored (treated as 0)
 * @param data data array
 * @return sum of the data
public static double sum (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double sum = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d);
	return sum;

 * Computes weighted sum of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored (treated as 0)
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted sum of the data 
public static double sum (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double sum = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d * w);
	return sum;

 * Computes product of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored (treated as 0)
 * @param data data array
 * @return product of the data
public static double product (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;
	double product = 1.;
    boolean flag = false;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            flag = true;
            product = product * d;
    if (!flag)
        return MISSG;
	return product;

 * Computes weighted product of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored (treated as 0)
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted product of the data 
public static double product (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;
	double product = 1.;
    boolean flag = false;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            d = Calculator.pow (d, w);
            if (d != MISSG) {
                flag = true;
                product = product * d;
    if (!flag)
        return MISSG;
	return product;

 * Computes count of non-missing values in a given sequence.
 * @param data data array
 * @return count of the non-missing data 
public static int count (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            count ++;
	return count;

 * Computes count of a given sequence (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @return count of the data
public static int count (int skip, double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	if (skip == SKIPNONE)
		return n;
	if (skip == SKIPMISSG)
		return count (data);
	boolean bZero = false, bMissg = false;
	bZero = (skip == SKIPZERO) || (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	bMissg = (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    double d = data [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
	    count ++;
	return count;

 * Computes the average value of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored.
 * @param data data array
 * @return average of the data
public static double avg (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double sum = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d);
            count ++;
	if (count == 0)
        return MISSG;
	return sum / count;

 * Computes the average value of a given sequence (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @return average of the data
public static double avg (int skip, double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	boolean bZero = false, bMissg = false;
	if (skip == SKIPMISSG)
		return avg (data);
	bZero = (skip == SKIPZERO) || (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	bMissg = (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	double sum = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    double d = data [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
	    sum = Calculator.add (sum, d);
	    count ++;
	if (count == 0)
        return MISSG;
	return sum / count;

 * Computes weighted average of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted average of the data 
public static double avg (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double sum = MISSG;
	double weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d * w);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (sum == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0.)
        return MISSG;
	return sum / weight;

 * Computes weighted average value of a given sequence  
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted average of the data
public static double avg (int skip, double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	boolean bZero = false, bMissg = false;
	if (skip == SKIPMISSG)
		return avg (data, weights);
	bZero = (skip == SKIPZERO) || (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	bMissg = (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	double sum = MISSG;
	double weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
		if (w != MISSG)
			sum = Calculator.add (sum, d * w);
	    weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (sum == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0.)
        return MISSG;
	return sum / weight;

 * Computes the geometric average value of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored.
 * @param data data array
 * @return average of the data
public static double geomean (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;
	double product = 1.;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            product = product * d;
            count ++;
	if (count == 0)
        return MISSG;
	return Math.pow (product, 1. / (double) count);

 * Computes weighted geometric average of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted average of the data 
public static double geomean (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double product = 1.;
	double weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            product = product * Math.pow (d, w);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (weight == MISSG || weight == 0.)
        return MISSG;
	return Math.pow (product, 1. / weight);

 * Computes harmonic mean of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored.
 * @param data data array
 * @return harmonic mean of the data
public static double harmean (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;
	double sum = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            if (d == 0.)
                return MISSG;
            sum = sum + 1. / d;
            count ++;
	if (count == 0 || sum == 0.)
        return MISSG;
    return count / sum;

 * Computes weighted harmonic mean of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted harmonic mean of the data 
public static double harmean (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double sum = MISSG;
	double weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            if (d == 0.)
                return MISSG;
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, w / d);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (sum == MISSG || sum == 0. || weight == MISSG)
        return MISSG;
	return weight / sum;

 * Computes variance of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @return variance of the data
public static double var (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double d, sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d);
            count ++;
	if (count < 2)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / count;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			d = d * d;
            sum = sum + d;
	return (sum / (count - 1));

 * Computes standard deviation of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @return stdev of the data
public static double stdev (double [] data) {
	return Calculator.sqrt (var (data));

 * Computes variance of a given sequence (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @return variance of the data
public static double var (int skip, double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	boolean bZero = false, bMissg = false;
	if (skip == SKIPMISSG)
		return var (data);
	bZero = (skip == SKIPZERO) || (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	bMissg = (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	double d, sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    d = data [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
	    sum = Calculator.add (sum, d);
	    count ++;
	if (count < 2)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / count;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
		if (d == MISSG)
			d = - avg;
			d = d - avg;
		d = d * d;
        sum = sum + d;
	return (sum / (count - 1));

 * Computes standard deviation of a given sequence 
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @return standard deviation of the data
public static double stdev (int skip, double [] data) {
	return Calculator.sqrt (var (skip, data));

 * Computes weighted variance of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted variance of the data 
public static double var (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double d, sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	double w, weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i]; 
		w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d * w);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (sum == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0. || weight == 1.)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / weight;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		w = weights [i];
        if (d == MISSG || w == MISSG)
		d = d - avg;
		d = d * d * w;
        sum = sum + d;
	return (sum / (weight - 1.));

 * Computes weighted standard deviation of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted standard deviation of the data 
 * (without taking missing values into account)
public static double stdev (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	return Calculator.sqrt (var (data, weights));

 * Computes weighted variance of a given sequence
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted variance of the data
public static double var (int skip, double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	boolean bZero = false, bMissg = false;
	if (skip == SKIPMISSG)
		return var (data, weights);
	bZero = (skip == SKIPZERO) || (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	bMissg = (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	double sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	double weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
		if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG)
			sum = Calculator.add (sum, d * w);
	    weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (sum == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0. || weight == 1.)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / weight;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
		if (w != MISSG) {
			if (d == MISSG)
				d = -avg;
				d = d - avg;
			d = d * d * w;
			sum = sum + d;
	return Math.sqrt (sum / (weight - 1));
 * Computes weighted standard deviation of a given sequence  
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted standard deviation of the data
public static double stdev (int skip, double [] data, double [] weights) {
	return Calculator.sqrt (var (skip, data, weights));
 * Computes variancep of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @return variancep of the data
public static double varp (double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d);
            count ++;
	if (count == 0)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / count;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			d = d * d;
            sum = sum + d;
	return (sum / count);
 * Computes stdevp of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @return stdevp of the data
public static double stdevp (double [] data) {
	return Calculator.sqrt (varp (data));

 * Computes variancep of a given sequence  
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @return variancep of the data
public static double varp (int skip, double [] data) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	boolean bZero = false, bMissg = false;
	if (skip == SKIPMISSG)
		return varp (data);
	bZero = (skip == SKIPZERO) || (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	bMissg = (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	double sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    double d = data [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
	    sum = Calculator.add (sum, d);
	    count ++;
	if (count == 0)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / count;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
		if (d == MISSG)
			d = - avg;
			d = d - avg;
		d = d * d;
        sum = sum + d;
	return (sum / count);

 * Computes stdevp of a given sequence  
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @return stdevp of the data
public static double stdevp (int skip, double [] data) {
	return Calculator.sqrt (varp (skip, data));

 * Computes weighted varp of a given sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted varp of the data 
public static double varp (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	double sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	double weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            sum = Calculator.add (sum, d * w);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (sum == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0.)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / weight;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if (d == MISSG || w == MISSG)
		d = d - avg;
		d = d * d * w;
        sum = sum + d;
	return (sum / weight);

 * Computes weighted standard deviation of a given sequence. 
 * Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted standard deviation of the data 
public static double stdevp (double [] data, double [] weights) {
	return Calculator.sqrt (varp (data, weights));

 * Computes weighted varp of a given sequence  
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted varp of the data
public static double varp (int skip, double [] data, double [] weights) {
	int i, n = data.length;
	boolean bZero = false, bMissg = false;
	if (skip == SKIPMISSG)
		return varp (data, weights);
	bZero = (skip == SKIPZERO) || (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	bMissg = (skip == SKIPBOTH);
	double sum = MISSG, avg = MISSG;
	double weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
		if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG)
			sum = Calculator.add (sum, d * w);
	    weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (sum == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0.)
        return MISSG;
	avg = sum / weight;
	sum = 0.;	
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        double d = data [i], w = weights [i];
        if ((bMissg && d == MISSG) || (bZero && d == 0.))
		if (w != MISSG) {
			if (d == MISSG)
				d = -avg;
				d = d - avg;
			d = d * d * w;
			sum = sum + d;
	return (sum / weight);
 * Computes weighted stdevp value of a given sequence  
 * (with prescribed skip directive).
 * @param skip skip instruction; possible values are 
 * <ul>
 * <li>SKIPNONE - nothing skipped </li>
 * <li>SKIPZERO - zeros skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPMISSG - missing values skipped</li>
 * <li>SKIPBOTH - skip both zeros and missing values</li>
 * </ul> (defined in CalculatorConstants interface)
 * @param data data array
 * @param weights weights
 * @return weighted stdevp of the data
public static double stdevp (int skip, double [] data, double [] weights) {
   	return Calculator.sqrt (varp (skip, data, weights));

 * Computes covariance between two sequences.
 * If a missing value is encountered in either of the sequences,
 * the corresponding position is skipped in both of them.
 * @param x first array
 * @param y second array
 * @return covariance
public static double covariance (double [] x, double [] y) {
    int i, n = x.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d1, d2, avg1 = MISSG, avg2 = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
        if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG) {
            avg1 = Calculator.add (avg1, d1);
			avg2 = Calculator.add (avg2, d2);
            count ++;
	if (count < 1)
        return MISSG;
	avg1 = avg1 / count;
	avg2 = avg2 / count;
	double covar = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
		if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG) {
			d1 = d1 - avg1;
			d2 = d2 - avg2;
			covar = covar + d1 * d2;
	return covar / count;

 * Computes weighted covariance between two sequences
 * If a missing value is encountered in either of the sequences,
 * the corresponding position is skipped in both of them.
 * @param x first array
 * @param y second array
 * @return correlation
public static double covariance (double [] x, double [] y, double [] weights) {
    int i, n = x.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d1, d2, avg1 = MISSG, avg2 = MISSG;
	double w, weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
		w = weights [i];
        if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            avg1 = Calculator.add (avg1, d1 * w);
			avg2 = Calculator.add (avg2, d2 * w);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (avg1 == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0.)
        return MISSG;

	avg1 = avg1 / weight;
	avg2 = avg2 / weight;
	double covar = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
		w = weights [i];
		if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
			d1 = d1 - avg1;
			d2 = d2 - avg2;
			covar = covar + w * d1 * d2;
	return covar / weight;

 * Computes correlation between two sequences
 * If a missing value is encountered in either of the sequences,
 * the corresponding position is skipped in both of them.
 * @param x first array
 * @param y second array
 * @return correlation
public static double correlation (double [] x, double [] y) {
    int i, n = x.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d1, d2, avg1 = MISSG, avg2 = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
        if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG) {
            avg1 = Calculator.add (avg1, d1);
			avg2 = Calculator.add (avg2, d2);
            count ++;
	if (count < 2)
        return MISSG;

	avg1 = avg1 / count;
	avg2 = avg2 / count;
	double stdev1 = 0.;
	double stdev2 = 0.;
	double covar = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
		if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG) {
			d1 = d1 - avg1;
			d2 = d2 - avg2;
			covar = covar + d1 * d2;
			stdev1 = stdev1 + d1 * d1;
			stdev2 = stdev2 + d2 * d2;
	stdev1 = Math.sqrt (stdev1 / (count - 1));
	stdev2 = Math.sqrt (stdev2 / (count - 1));
	covar = covar / count;
	return covar / (stdev1 * stdev2);

 * Computes weighted correlation between two sequences
 * If a missing value is encountered in either of the sequences,
 * the corresponding position is skipped in both of them.
 * @param x first array
 * @param y second array
 * @return correlation
public static double correlation (double [] x, double [] y, double [] weights) {
    int i, n = x.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d1, d2, avg1 = MISSG, avg2 = MISSG;
	double w, weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
		w = weights [i];
        if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            avg1 = Calculator.add (avg1, d1 * w);
			avg2 = Calculator.add (avg2, d2 * w);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (avg1 == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0. || weight == 1.)
        return MISSG;

	avg1 = avg1 / weight;
	avg2 = avg2 / weight;
	double stdev1 = 0.;
	double stdev2 = 0.;
	double covar = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d1 = x [i];
		d2 = y [i];
		w = weights [i];
		if (d1 != MISSG && d2 != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
			d1 = d1 - avg1;
			d2 = d2 - avg2;
			covar = covar + w * d1 * d2;
			stdev1 = stdev1 + w * d1 * d1;
			stdev2 = stdev2 + w * d2 * d2;
	stdev1 = Math.sqrt (stdev1 / (weight - 1.));
	stdev2 = Math.sqrt (stdev2 / (weight - 1.));
	covar = covar / weight;
	return covar / (stdev1 * stdev2);

 * Computes skewness of a sequence. Missing values are skipped
 * @param data data array
 * @return scewness of the sequence
public static double skew (double [] data) {
    int i, n = data.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d, avg = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            avg = Calculator.add (avg, d);
            count ++;
	if (count < 3)
        return MISSG;

	avg = avg / count;
	double stdev = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		if (d != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			stdev = stdev + d * d;
	stdev = Math.sqrt (stdev / (count - 1));
	if (stdev == 0.)
		return MISSG;
	double skew = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		if (d != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			d = d / stdev;
			skew = skew + d * d * d;
	return skew * count / ((count - 1) * (count - 2));

 * Computes weighted skewness of a sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @return skewness of the sequence
public static double skew (double [] data, double [] weights) {
    int i, n = data.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d, avg = MISSG;
	double w, weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            avg = Calculator.add (avg, w * d);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (avg == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0. || weight == 1. || weight == 2.)
        return MISSG;

	avg = avg / weight;
	double stdev = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		w = weights [i];
		if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			stdev = stdev + w * d * d;
	stdev = Math.sqrt (stdev / (weight - 1));
	if (stdev == 0.)
		return MISSG;
	double skew = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		w = weights [i];
		if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			d = d / stdev;
			skew = skew + w * d * d * d;
	return skew * weight / ((weight - 1.) * (weight - 2.));

 * Computes kurtosis of a sequence. Missing values are skipped
 * @param data data array
 * @return kurtosis of the sequence
public static double kurt (double [] data) {
    int i, n = data.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d, avg = MISSG;
	int count = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            avg = Calculator.add (avg, d);
            count ++;
	if (count < 4)
        return MISSG;

	avg = avg / count;
	double stdev = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		if (d != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			stdev = stdev + d * d;
	stdev = Math.sqrt (stdev / (count - 1));
	if (stdev == 0.)
		return MISSG;
	double kurt = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		if (d != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			d = d / stdev;
			kurt = kurt + d * d * d * d;
	kurt = kurt * count * (count + 1) / (count - 1) - 3 * (count - 1) * (count - 1);
    return kurt / ((count - 2) * (count - 3));

 * Computes weighted kurtosis of a sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param x data array
 * @return kurtosis of the sequence
public static double kurt (double [] data, double [] weights) {
    int i, n = data.length;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	double d, avg = MISSG;
	double w, weight = MISSG;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		w = weights [i];
        if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
            avg = Calculator.add (avg, w * d);
            weight = Calculator.add (weight, w);
	if (avg == MISSG || weight == MISSG || weight == 0. || 
        weight == 1. || weight == 2. || weight == 3.)
        return MISSG;

	avg = avg / weight;
	double stdev = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		w = weights [i];
		if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			stdev = stdev + w * d * d;
	stdev = Math.sqrt (stdev / (weight - 1));
	if (stdev == 0.)
		return MISSG;
	double kurt = 0.;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        d = data [i];
		w = weights [i];
		if (d != MISSG && w != MISSG) {
			d = d - avg;
			d = d / stdev;
			kurt = kurt + w * d * d * d * d;
	kurt = kurt * weight * (weight + 1.) / (weight - 1.) - 
           3 * (weight - 1.) * (weight - 1.);
    return kurt / ((weight - 2.) * (weight - 3.));

 * Computes rank of a value relative to a given sequence.
 * Missing elements in the sequence are ignored. Rank is 1-based.
 * Missing value is not ranked.
 * @param value value to be ranked
 * @param data array of data
 * @return rank in the sequence as a double
public static double rank (double value, double [] data) {
    int i = 0, n = data.length;
    double d;
	int rank;
	if (value == MISSG)
		return MISSG;
	double [] ddd = new double [n];	

	int j = 0;	
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		d = data [i];
        if (d != MISSG) {
            ddd [j] = d;	
			j ++;		
    n = j;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

	if (n == 1) {
		if (ddd [0] > value)
			return 2.;
			return 1.;
	Calculator.sort (ddd, 0, n-1);

    rank = 1;
    while (ddd [n - rank] > value) {
        if (rank > n)
	return (double) rank;

 * Computes mode of a sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data array of data
 * @return mode of the sequence
public static double mode (double [] data) {
    int i, j, n = data.length, maxFreq, freq;
    double d, mode;
	double [] ddd = new double [n];	

	j = 0;	
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (data [i] != MISSG) {
            ddd [j] = data [i];	
			j ++;		
    n = j;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

    if (n == 1)
        return ddd [0];

	Calculator.sort (ddd, 0, n-1);
	mode = ddd [0];
	maxFreq = 1;
    while (i < n-1) {
        freq = 1;
        d = ddd [i];
        while (ddd [i] == d) {
            if (i >= n)
        if (freq > maxFreq) {
            maxFreq = freq;
            mode = d;
    return mode;

 * Computes median of a sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param data data array
 * @result median of the sequence
public static double median (double [] data) {
    int i, j, n = data.length; 
    int midIndex;
    double median;
	double [] ddd = new double [n];	

	j = 0;	
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (data [i] != MISSG) {
            ddd [j] = data [i];	
			j ++;		
    n = j;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

    Calculator.sort (ddd, 0, n - 1);   

    midIndex = n / 2;
    if (n % 2 == 0) {
        /* Average of the two middle numbers */
        median =  (ddd [midIndex] + ddd [midIndex - 1]) / 2; 
    else {
        median = ddd [midIndex];
    return median;

 * Computes percentile of a sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param percent percent value
 * @param data double array
 * @result percentile of the sequence
public static double percentile (double percent, double [] data) {
    int i, j, n = data.length; 
    int midIndex;
    double median, temp;
	double [] ddd = new double [n];

	j = 0;	
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (data [i] != MISSG) {
            ddd [j] = data [i];	
			j ++;		
    n = j;
    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

    Calculator.sort (ddd, 0, n-1);   

	if (percent == 0.)
	    return ddd [0];
	if (percent == 1.)
	    return ddd [n-1];		

	temp = percent * (double) n;
	median = Math.floor (temp);
	midIndex = (int) median;
	if (median != temp) {
	    temp -= median;
	    median = ddd [midIndex-1];
	    median += (ddd [midIndex] - median) * temp;    
	else {
	    median = ddd [midIndex];
	return median;

 * Computes percentile of a part of a sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param percent percent value
 * @param size size to use
 * @param data data array
 * @result percentile of the subsequence
public static double percentile (double percent, int size, double [] data) {
        int i, j, n = data.length; 
	if (n > size)
		n = size;
    int midIndex;
    double median, temp;
	double [] ddd = new double [n];

	j = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		if (data [i] != MISSG) {
			ddd [j] = data [i];
	n = j;

    if (n == 0)
        return MISSG;

    Calculator.sort (ddd, 0, n-1);   

	if (percent == 0.)
        return ddd [0];
	if (percent == 1.)
        return ddd [n-1];
	temp = percent * (double) n;
	median = Math.floor (temp);
	midIndex = (int) median;
	if (median != temp) {
		temp -= median;
        median = ddd [midIndex-1];
        median += (ddd [midIndex] - median) * temp;
    else {
        median = ddd [midIndex];
    return median;

 * Computes quartile of a sequence. Missing values are ignored
 * @param quart indicates which value to return
 * Possible values are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>0 - return minimum</li>
 * <li>1 - return 25% percentile</li>
 * <li>2 - return median</li>
 * <li>3 - return 75% percentile</li>
 * <li>4 - return maximum</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param data double array
 * @result quartile of the sequence
public static double quartile (int quart, double [] data) {
    switch (quart) {
    case 0:
        return min (data);
    case 1:
        return percentile (0.25, data);
    case 2:
        return median (data);
    case 3:
        return percentile (0.75, data);
    case 4:
        return max (data);
        return MISSG;
