Create Drillthrough

Create a drill-through URL within the active database outline.

For each drillable region of an Essbase database, you can enable drill-through access by means of a URL to Web content hosted on Oracle ERP and EPM applications.


Syntax diagram for create drillthrough.URL-NAMEFILE-NAMEMEMBER-EXPRESSION

Use create drillthrough to create a drill-through URL definition in the following ways:


create drillthrough

Create a drill-through URL as metadata.

The number of drill-through URLs per database is limited to 255.

from xml_file

Indicate the path to the local URL XML file that defines the link information.

The URL XML is created by the ERP or EPM application that deployed the Essbase database. The XML contains the drill-through URL display name and a URL enabling the hyperlink from a cell to a Web interface to occur.

The following is a sample URL XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<foldercontents path="/">
  <resource name="Assets Drill through GL" description="" type="application/x-hyperion-applicationbuilder-report">
    <name xml:lang="fr">Rapport de ventes</name>
    <name xml:lang="es">Informe de ventas</name>
    <action name="Display HTML" description="Launch HTML display of Content" shortdesc="HTML">

on {<member-expression>,...}

Define the list of drillable regions, using the same Essbase member-set calculation language that is used to define security filters. The list of drillable regions must be enclosed in {brackets}.

The number of drillable regions in a drill-through URL is limited to 256. The number of characters per drillable region is limited to 65536.

level0 only

Optional: Restrict the URL definition to level-0 data.


create drillthrough sample.basic.myURL from xml_file "C:/drillthrough/data/myfile1.xml" on {'@Ichildren(“Qtr1”)', '@Ichildren(“Qtr2”)'} level0 only;

See Also