Create Outline (Aggregate Storage)

Create an aggregate storage outline based on a block storage outline. The outline you are creating must be for an aggregate storage database that is local to your current login session. The block-storage database you are using as a source can be remote. If a remote host is specified, you can also specify a user name and password if the connection is remote. Permission required: Database Manager.

Essbase supports the following scenarios for converting block storage outlines to aggregate storage outlines:

The following conversion scenarios are not supported:


Syntax diagram for create outline (aggregate storage).DBS-NAMEHOST-NAMEUSER-NAMEPASSWORD

You can create an outline in the following ways using create outline.


create outline...

Create an aggregate-storage database outline based on a block storage outline. If an outline of the same name already exists, it is replaced.

create or replace outline...

This statement has the same result as create outline above.


If the block-storage database you are using as a source is remote, specify the host name.

as USER-NAME identified by PASSWORD

If the block-storage database you are using as a source is remote, specify the host name. If the connection is also remote (requires a different authentication), provide the user name and password, as you would do when creating a remote partition.


create or replace outline on aggregate_storage database Sample2.Basic2 as outline on database sample.basic;

Creates an aggregate storage outline based on the Sample Basic outline. For a complete example of how to create an aggregate storage version of a block storage database, see Creating an Aggregate Storage Sample Using MaxL.