Specifying Port Numbers in Partition Host Names

You can install multiple agents on a single Windows computer. When multiple agents are installed on a single computer, you can connect to an agent by specifying the host name and the agent port number, in the form: hostName:agentPort.

When creating partitions across different ports, you must do the following:

  1. Specify the current hostName:agentPort when you log in to Essbase. For example,login partitionuser mypassword on 'localhost:3300';

  2. Specify the target hostName:agentPort as part of the create, alter, drop, or refresh partition statement. For example,

    create or replace transparent partition sampeast.east
                     area '@CHILDREN("Eastern Region"), @CHILDREN(Qtr1)' sourceArea
    to samppart.company at 'localhost:2200'
    as partitionuser identified by mypassword
                     area '@CHILDREN(East) @CHILDREN(Qtr1)' targetArea;

If you log on to Essbase specifying the agent port, then you must specify the agent port for partition operations. If you do not log in specifying the agent port, then do not specify the agent port for partition operations.

The first DBS-NAME specified in a statement is the local database, and the second DBS-NAME is the remote database. Only the remote (second) DBS-NAME in any partition statement can be specified using an agent port. Therefore, when dealing with multiple agent ports, always put the side of the partition that you aren't logged on to second in the statement, so that you can specifiy which hostName:agentPort it is on.

See Also

Using Host Name Aliases When Partitioning