Create User

Create or re-create a user, either from scratch or as a copy of another user. Users can be created to log in using Essbase security. Optionally, create the Essbase-authenticated user as a member of a group.

Permission required: create_user, unless Essbase is in Shared Services mode.

In Shared Services mode, an Essbase user can be created in two ways:

  1. From Essbase using MaxL or Administration Services. To do this, you must be an Essbase administrator. You must additionally have the Shared Services Directory Manager role.

  2. From Shared Services. To do this, you must be a Shared Services administrator.



Use create user to create a user in the following ways:


create user

Create a new Essbase user.

create or replace user

Create a new Essbase user. If a user of that name already exists, it is replaced.

create user as

Create a user as a copy of an existing user. The new user has an identical security profile to the user that was copied.

member of group

Create a user and assign membership to a security group.


When replacing a user, preserve the original user's group associations.


Create an optional comment to describe the user.

type external

Create a user that must log in using the Shared Services security platform. In order for the user to be able to log in successfully, the AUTHENTICATIONMODULE parameter must be set to CSS in the essbase.cfg file, and the name must match a valid user name in the external authentication repository.


create user Fiona identified by sunflower;

Creates a user called Fiona with the password sunflower.

create user Guest identified by 'password' member of group Visitors;

Creates a user called Guest with the password password, and adds Guest to the group called Visitors. Quotation marks are required because password is a MaxL keyword.

create or replace user Guest identified by 'password' as RecycleMe;

Creates a user called Guest as a copy of an existing user called RecycleMe. If Guest already exists, it is overwritten.

create or replace user 'Autumn Smith' type external;

Creates a user called Autumn Smith who is externally authenticated in a corporate authentication repository supported by the Shared Services security platform.