Display System

View information about current system-wide settings.


Syntax diagram for display system.DBS-NAME

You can display server-wide information in the following ways using display system.


display system

Display current connections and system-wide settings.

configuration field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

2  Non-Unicode mode
3  Unicode mode

display system version

Display the server software version number.

display system ports in use

Display information about ports currently in use on the system.

display system ports overview

Display the number of ports that are available and in use on the system.

display system export_directory

Display names of directories created for linked-reporting objects exported from a database to a directory created in $ARBORPATH\app.

If you used export lro and gave a full path to a directory for export files, those directories are not listed. Only export directories created in the ARBORPATH\App directory using the following export lro method are listed:

export database DBS-NAME lro to <server or local> directory DBS-EXPORT-DIR;

where DBS-EXPORT-DIR is a suffix (for example, dir1) for the name of a directory created by MaxL in $ARBORPATH\App. MaxL creates the directory with a prefix of appname-dbsname-. For example, display system export_directory would list the following directories existing under $ARBORPATH\App:


but it would not list export directories created elsewhere by providing a full directory path when using the export lro statement, such as:c:\MyExports\MyExportDir

display system security file fragmentation_percent

Display the percentage of security file fragmentation. 0% means the security file is not fragmented, and higher percentages indicate the degree of fragmentation.

Fragmentation can gradually develop when objects such as users, groups, applications or databases are removed or changed. To prevent fragmentation, the security file is compacted each time the Agent shuts down.

You can also defragment the security file without stopping the Agent. For more information, see


  • The MaxL statement alter system compact security file;

  • The Agent command COMPACT (for documentation of Agent commands, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide).

display system license_info

Display information about the license settings implemented on the system.

display system security mode

The type of security in use: native or Shared Services mode.

security_mode field values are numeric, and translate as follows:

1  Native Essbase security
2  Shared Services security

display system configuration agent

Display values set using the essbase.cfg file, but display only values that apply to Essbase Agent. Permission required: administrator.

display system configuration network

Display values set using the essbase.cfg file, but display only values that apply to the network layer. Permission required: administrator.

display system configuration lease_manager

Display values set using the essbase.cfg file, but display only values that apply to lease manager. Permission required: administrator.

display system configuration errors

Display all lines in the essbase.cfg file that are errors: an error is any line entry that is not a comment and results in nothing being set. Permission required: administrator.

display system configuration on database DBS-NAME

Display values set using the essbase.cfg file, but display only values that apply to the named database. Permission required: administrator.


display system;

Displays current password and session management settings.

display system configuration agent;

Displays current essbase.cfg settings that apply to the Essbase Agent.

Sample Outputs for Display System Configuration

MAXL> set column_width 40;

MAXL> display system configuration agent;

 KEYWORDS                                SETTINGS
 JVMMODULELOCATION                       E:\Hyperion\common\JRE-64\Sun\1.5.0\bin
 MAXLOGINS                               50000
 PORTUSAGELOGINTERVAL                    600

 OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [4].

MAXL> display system configuration network;

 KEYWORDS                                SETTINGS
 AGENTPORT                               1423
 NETDELAY                                1500
 NETRETRYCOUNT                           2000
 SERVERPORTBEGIN                         32768
 SERVERPORTEND                           33768

 OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [5].

MAXL> display system configuration on database democfg.basic;

 KEYWORDS                                SETTINGS
 CALCCACHE                               TRUE
 CALCCACHEDEFAULT                        1250000
 CALCCACHEHIGH                           1750000
 CALCCACHELOW                            40000
 CALCLOCKBLOCKDEFAULT                    1000
 CALCLOCKBLOCKHIGH                       5000
 CALCLOCKBLOCKLOW                        500
 CALCNOTICEDEFAULT                       20
 CALCNOTICEHIGH                          50
 CALCNOTICELOW                           5
 DATAERRORLIMIT                          50000
 DLTHREADSPREPARE                        4
 DLTHREADSWRITE                          4
 DYNCALCCACHEMAXSIZE                     DB[41943040], SV[41943040]
 JVMMODULELOCATION                       E:\Hyperion\common\JRE-64\Sun\1.5.0\bin
 LOGMESSAGELEVEL                         INFO
 NUMERICPRECISION                        1
 SSLOGUNKNOWN                            FALSE
 SSPROCROWLIMIT                          250000

 OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [21].