Drop Lock

Remove locks acquired through a spreadsheet operation.


Data locks do not apply to aggregate storage applications.


Syntax diagram for drop lock.APP-NAMEUSER-NAMEDBS-NAME

drop lock on system all

Drops all locks by all users, for all databases on the system.

drop lock all

Same as "drop lock on system all"

drop lock on system

Same as "drop lock on system all"

drop lock

Same as "drop lock on system all"

drop lock on application APP-NAME

Drops all locks on the application, for all users.

drop lock on application APP-NAME held by USER-NAME

Drops locks on the application which are held by a specific user.

drop lock on database DBS-NAME

Drops all locks on the database, for all users.

drop lock on database DBS-NAME held by USER-NAME

Drops locks on the database which are held by a specific user.

drop lock held by USER-NAME

Drops all locks held by a specific user, on any application or database.