Drop Partition

Delete from the system a partition definition between two databases. Database Manager permission for each database is required.


Syntax diagram for drop partition.DBS-NAMEHOST-NAME

You can delete partition definitions in the following ways using drop partition.



Remove a transparent, replicated, or linked partition definition between the current target database and a source database.


Remove a transparent, replicated, or linked partition definition between the current source database and a target database.

at <host-name>

Optionally specify the host computer name, if removing a partition definition associated with a remote server. The host name can be an IP address; for example, ''.


Specify that the source half of a partition definition should be dropped regardless of whether the target half is missing or invalid. For more information, see Forcing Deletion of Partitions.


If the create partition statement used was of the format:

create partition SOURCE to TARGET;

Then the only permutations of the drop partition statement that will have effect are:

drop partition SOURCE to TARGET;
drop partition TARGET from SOURCE;


create or replace replicated partition sampeast.east area '@IDESCENDANTS("Eastern Region"), @IDESCENDANTS(Qtr1)' to samppart.company at localhost;

drop replicated partition Samppart.Company from Sampeast.East;