Execute Aggregate Build

Performs an aggregation based on the views selected by the execute aggregate selection statement.

The views to build must either be identified by their view IDs, obtained previously using execute aggregate selection, or by a view selection saved in an aggregation script.

For more information about aggregate views, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help.


Syntax diagram for execute aggregate build.DBS-NAMEVIEW-IDVIEW-SIZEOUTLINE-IDVIEW-FILE-NAME

You can materialize aggregations in the following ways using execute aggregate build.


using views...

Builds an aggregation based on a previously selected view (or views) and the associated outline ID.

using view_file...

Builds an aggregation based on a saved view selection stored in an aggregation script.

Omit the .csc file extension from the view file name when you issue the execute aggregate build statement.



execute aggregate build on database Sample.Basic using views 711 0.00375 with outline_ID 4142187876;

Builds an aggregation of the Sample Basic database. The build is based on the view of an aggregate storage outline (identified as 4142187876) having the view ID 711, and a view size of 0.00375.

execute aggregate build on database Sample.Basic using view_file myView;

Builds an aggregation of the Sample Basic database based on the view saved in the aggregation script myView.csc.