Import Data

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Import data from text or spreadsheet data files, with or without a rules file. Minimum permission required: Write.


Syntax diagram for import data.DBS-NAMEIMP-FILEIMP-FILEFILE-NAME

You can import data to a database in the following ways using import data.


import database <dbs-name> data from...

Specify whether the data import is from a local or server file, and what type of file to import data from.

...using ... rules_file

Import data into the database using a specified rules file.

...<data error spec> (on error...)

Required. Tell Essbase what to do in case of errors during the data load: abort the operation, or write or append to a specified error log.

...<data record spec> from data_string

Load a single data record into the selected database.


import database sample.basic data 
from data_string 
 '"Sales" "COGS" "Marketing" "Payroll" "Misc" "Opening Inventory" "Additions" 
 "Ending Inventory" "100-10" "New York" "Jan" "Actual" 
 678 271 94 51 0 2101 644 2067'
on error abort;

...<SQL connect spec> (connect as...)

If you are importing data from an SQL source, provide your SQL user name and password. You must always use a rules file when you load SQL data sources.



import database sample.basic data from data_file "'$ARBORPATH\\app\\sample\\basic\\calcdat.txt'" on error abort;
import database sample.basic data
from data_file '/data/calcdat.txt'
using rules_file '/data/rulesfile.rul'
on error write to '/logs/dimbuild.log';