
Before you can send MaxL statements from the MaxL Shell to Essbase Server, you must log in to an Essbase Server session.


Before logging in to an Essbase Server session, you must start the MaxL Shell (see MaxL Invocation Summary).Or, you can start the MaxL Shell and log in (see -l Flag: Login) at the same time.

Syntax diagram for login.USER-NAMEPASSWORDHOST-NAME


Login is part of the MaxL Shell grammar, not the MaxL language itself. You can use a login statement in MaxL scripts and the MaxL Shell, but you cannot embed it in Perl.


login admin mypassword on localhost;

Establishes a connection to the Essbase Server for user Admin identified by mypassword.

login admin password on http://myhost:13080:aps/Essbase?clustername=EssbaseCluster1

Establishes a connection to an Essbase failover cluster for user Admin identified by password.