Refresh Outline

Synchronize the outlines between partitioned databases. Use this in the event that one outline has undergone changes to dimensions, members, or member properties, and you wish to propagate those changes to the partitioned database.

Outline synchronization is not currently enabled for partitions that involve aggregate storage databases.


Syntax diagram for refresh outline.DBS-NAMEHOST-NAME

You can synchronize the outlines between partitioned databases using refresh outline.


Use the current source outline to refresh the remote target outline.


Refresh the current target outline using the remote source outline.

purge outline change_file

Clear any source outline changes that have already been applied to the target outline or have been rejected. Source outline changes that have not been applied or rejected are not deleted from the outline change file.

apply all

Refresh all aspects of the target outline, including dimension changes, member changes, and member property changes made to the source outline. This is the recommended method for refreshing outlines, because if you choose to omit some changes, those changes cannot be applied later.

apply nothing

Do not apply source outline changes to any aspects of the target outline. The target outline will be considered synchronized to the source, and the timestamp will be updated, although source changes were not actually applied to the target.

apply on dimension...

Refresh the target outline with all or some dimension changes made to the source outline.

  • add: Refresh with added dimensions.

  • delete: Refresh by deleting dimensions.

  • rename: Refresh with renamed dimensions.

  • update: Refresh with dimensions that have member updates (required if the statement will also use apply on member).

  • move: Refresh the order of dimensions in the outline.

Use commas to separate the types of source dimension changes to refresh on the target. For example, to refresh only with added or moved dimensions, use the following phrase: apply on dimension add, move.

apply on member...

Refresh the target outline with all or some physical member changes made to the source outline. Requires apply on dimension update.

  • add: Refresh dimensions with added members.

  • delete: Refresh dimensions by deleting members.

  • rename: Refresh dimensions with renamed members.

  • move: Refresh the order or hierarchy of members in the dimension.

Use commas to separate the types of source member changes to refresh on the target. For example, to refresh only with added or moved members, use the following phrase: apply on dimension update, apply on member add, move.

apply on member_property...

Refresh the target outline with all or some member property changes made to the source outline. Requires apply on dimension update.

  • account_type: Refresh with changes in account type.

  • alias: Refresh with changes to aliases.

  • calc_formula: Refresh with changes to member formulas.

  • consolidation: Refresh with changes to consolidation tags.

  • currency_conversion: Refresh with changes to currency conversion flags.

  • currency_category: Refresh with changes to currency categories.

  • data_storage: Refresh with changes to data storage tags.

  • uda: Refresh with changes to UDAs.

Use commas to separate the types of source member-property changes to refresh on the target. For example, to refresh only with updated member formulas, use the following phrase: apply on dimension update, apply on member_property calc_formula.


refresh outline on replicated partition sampeast.east to 
 apply all;

Refreshes the target outline (for database) with any and all changes made to the source outline (Sampeast.east).

refresh outline on replicated partition Sampeast.east to 
apply on dimension update, apply on member rename, apply on member_property  account_type;

Refreshes the target outline (for database) with changes made to the source outline (Sampeast.east), reflecting the following update to a dimension: a member tagged Accounts was renamed.