Allocates values from a member, from a cross-dimensional member, or from a value across multiple dimensions. The allocation is based on a variety of criteria.

This function allocates values that are input at an upper level to lower-level members in multiple dimensions. The allocation is based upon a specified share or spread of another variable. You can specify a rounding parameter for allocated values and account for rounding errors.


@MDALLOCATE (amount, Ndim, allocationRange1 ... allocationRangeN,basisMbr, [roundMbr], method [, methodParams]

  [, round [, numDigits][, roundErr]])


A value, member, or cross-dimensional member that contains the value to be allocated into each allocationRange. The value may also be a constant.

  • If amount is a member, the member must be from a dimension to which an allocationRange belongs.

  • If amount is a cross-dimensional member, the member must include a member from every dimension of every allocationRange.

  • If a member or cross-dimensional member is not from an allocationRange dimension, Essbase displays a warning message.

If the amount parameter is a loaded value, it cannot be a Dynamic Calc member.


The number of dimensions across which values are allocated.

allocationRange1 ... allocationRangeN

Comma-delimited lists of members, member set functions, or range functions from the multiple dimensions into which values from amount are allocated.


A value, member, or cross-dimensional member that contains the values that are used as the basis for the allocation. The method you specify determines how the basis data is used.


Optional. The member or cross-dimensional member to which rounding errors are added. This member (or at least one member of a cross-dimensional member) must be included in an allocationRange.


The expression that determines how values are allocated. One of the following:

  • share: Uses basisMbr to calculate a percentage share. The percentage share is calculated by dividing the value in basisMbr for the current member in allocationRange by the sum across the allocationRange for that basis member:

    amount * (@CURRMBR()->basisMbr/@SUM(allocationRange->basisMbr))

  • spread: Spreads amount across allocationRange:

    amount * (1/@COUNT(SKIP,allocationRange))

  • SKIPNONE | SKIPMISSING | SKIPZERO | SKIPBOTH: Values to be ignored during calculation of the spread. You must specify a SKIP parameter only for spread.

    • SKIPNONE: Includes all cells.

    • SKIPMISSING: Excludes all #MISSING values in basisMbr, and stores #MISSING for values in allocationRange for which the basisMbr is missing.

    • SKIPZERO: Excludes all zero (0) values in basisMbr, and stores #MISSING for values in allocationRange for which the basisMbr is zero.

    • SKIPBOTH: Excludes all zero (0) values and all #MISSING values, and stores #MISSING for values in allocationRange for which the basisMbr is zero (0) or #MISSING.

  • percent: Takes a percentage value from basisMbr for each member in allocationRange and applies the percentage value to amount:

    amount * (@CURRMBR()->basisMbr * .01).

  • add: Takes the value from basisMbr for each member of allocationRange and adds the value to amount:

    amount + @CURRMBR()->basisMbr

  • subtract: Takes the value from basisMbr for each member of allocationRange and subtracts the value from amount:

    amount - @CURRMBR()->basisMbr

  • multiply: Takes the value from basisMbr for each member of allocationRange and multiplies the value by amount:

    amount * @CURRMBR()->basisMbr

  • divide: Takes the value from basisMbr for each member of allocationRange and divides the value by amount:



Optional. One of the following:

  • noRound: No rounding. noRound is the default.

  • roundAmt: Indicates that you want to round the allocated values. If you specify roundAmt, you also must specify numDigits to indicate the number of decimal places to round to.


An integer that represents the number of decimal places to round to. You must specify numDigits if you specify roundAmt.

  • If numDigits is 0, the allocated values are rounded to the nearest integer. The default value for numDigits is 0.

  • If numDigits is greater than 0, the allocated values are rounded to the specified number of decimal places.

  • If numDigits is a negative value, the allocated values are rounded to a power of 10.

If you specify roundAmt, you also can specify a roundErr parameter.


Optional. An expression that specifies where rounding errors should be placed. You must specify roundAmt in order to specify roundErr. If you do not specify roundErr, Essbase discards rounding errors.

To specify roundErr, choose from one of the following:

  • errorsToHigh: Adds rounding errors to the member with the highest allocated value. If allocated values are identical, adds rounding errors to the first value in allocationRange.

  • errorsToLow: Adds rounding errors to the member with the lowest allocated value. If allocated values are identical, adds rounding errors to the first value in allocationRange. #MISSING is treated as the lowest value in a list; if multiple values are #MISSING, rounding errors are added to the first #MISSING value in the list.

  • errorsToMbr: Adds rounding errors to the specified roundMbr, which must be included in allocationRange.



Consider the following example from the Sample Basic database. A data value of 500 is loaded to Budget->Total Expenses->East for Jan and Colas. (For this example, assume that Total Expenses is not a Dynamic Calc member.)

You need to allocate the amount across each expense category for each child of East. The allocation for each child of East is based on the child's share of Total Expenses->Actual:

FIX("Total Expenses")
Budget = @MDALLOCATE(Budget->"Total Expenses"->East,2,
   @CHILDREN(East),@CHILDREN("Total Expenses"),Actual,,share);

This example produces the following report:

                                    Jan       Colas             
                        Marketing   Payroll   Misc   Total Expenses
                        =========   =======   ====   ==============
Actual  New York          94          51        0         145
        Massachusetts     23          31        1          55
        Florida           53          54        0         107
        Connecticut       40          31        0          71
        New Hampshire     27          53        2          82
          East           237         220        3         460
Budget  New York         102.174      55.435    0         #MI
        Massachusetts     25          33.696    1.087     #MI
        Florida           57.609      58.696    0         #MI
        Connecticut       43.478      33.696    0         #MI
        New Hampshire     29.348      57.609    2.173     #MI
          East           #MI          #MI       #MI       500

See Also