MDX Functions that Return a Boolean

The following functions return a Boolean (TRUE or FALSE).

IsReturns TRUE if two members are identical.
IsAccTypeReturns TRUE if the current member has the associated accounts tag.
IsAncestorReturns TRUE if the first member is an ancestor of the second member.
IsChildReturns TRUE if the first member is a child of the second member.
IsEmptyReturns True if the value of an input numeric-value-expression is #MISSING.
IsGenerationReturns TRUE if the member is in a specified generation.
IsLeafReturns TRUE if the member is a level-0 member.
IsLevelReturns TRUE if the member is in a specified level.
IsSiblingReturns TRUE if the first member is a sibling of the second member.
IsUdaReturns TRUE if the member has the associated UDA tag (user-defined attribute).
IsValidReturns TRUE if the specified element validates successfuly.
ContainsReturns TRUE if a tuple is found within a set.