MDX Functions that Return a Date

The following functions return a date.

DateRollTo the given date, rolls (adds or subtracts) a number of specific time intervals, returning another date.
GetFirstDateReturns the start date for a date-hierarchy member.
GetLastDateReturns the end date for a date-hierarchy member.
GetNextDayTo the given date and the week day, gets the next date after input date that corresponds to the week day.
GetFirstDayFor a given date_part, returns the first day of the time interval for the input date.
GetLastDayFor a given date_part, returns the last day of the time interval for the input date.
TodateExConverts date strings to dates.
TodayReturns a number representing the current date.
JulianDateFor the given UNIX date, gets its Julian date.
UnixDateFor the given Julian date, gets its UNIX date.