MDX Functions that Return a Number

The following functions return a value.

AbsReturns absolute value of an expression.
AggregateAggregates the Accounts member based on its Time Balance behavior.
AvgReturns the average of values found in the tuples of a set.
CasePerforms conditional expressions.
CellValueReturns the numeric value of the current cell.
CoalesceEmptyReturns the first non #Missing value from the given value expressions.
CountReturns the count of the number of tuples in a set.
DateDiffReturns the difference between two input dates.
DatePartReturns a number representing a date part (such as Week).
EnumTextReturns the text value corresponding to a numeric value in a text list.
EnumValueReturns the internal numeric value for a text value in a text list.
ExpReturns the exponent of an expression.
FactorialReturns the factorial of an expression.
IIFPerforms a conditional test, and returns an appropriate numeric expression or set depending on whether the test evaluates to true or false.
InStrReturns a number specifying the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
IntReturns the next lowest integer value of an expression.
LenReturns length of a string.
LnReturns the natural logarithm of an expression.
LogReturns the logarithm of an expression to a specified base.
Log10Returns the base-10 logarithm of an expression.
MaxReturns the maximum of values found in the tuples of a set.
MedianReturns the value of the median tuple of a set.
MinReturns the minimum of values found in the tuples of a set.
ModReturns the modulus (remainder value) of a division operation.
NonEmptyCountReturns the count of the number of tuples in a set that evaluate to nonempty values.
NTileReturns a division number of a tuple in a set.
OrdinalReturns a number indicating depth in the hierarchy.
PercentileReturns the value of the tuple that is at a given percentile of a set.
PowerReturns the value of the numeric value expression raised to power.
RankReturns the numeric position of a tuple in a set.
RealValueReturns a value for the specified member or tuple without the inherited attribute dimension context.
RemainderReturns the remainder value of the numeric value expression.
RoundRounds a numeric value expression to the specified number of digits.
StddevCalculates standard deviation based on a sample.
StddevpCalculates standard deviation based on a population.
StrToNumConverts a string to a number.
SumReturns the sum of values of tuples in a set.
TodateConverts a date string to a value that is usable in calculations.
TruncateRemoves the fractional part of a numeric value expression, returning the integer.