
Returns the set of level 0 (leaf) members that contribute to the value of the specified member.

The Leaves function compactly describes large sets of members or tuples while avoiding pre-expansion of the set before retrieval. Because large sets tend to be very sparse, only a few members contribute to the input member (have non #Missing values) and are returned. As a result, Leaves consumes less memory resources than the equivalent nonempty Descendants function call, allowing for better scalability, especially in concurrent user environments.

Members with #MISSING values are not included in the return set.

When member is on the primary hierarchy, the return set is the set of descendants at level 0 that are nonempty.

The set returned by Leaves is the set of nonempty descendants at level 0, with a few differences. For example, when member is from an alternate hierarchy, the return set contains all primary, stored, level 0 members whose values are aggregated into member's value. These contributing members may be either:

In most cases, the Leaves function does not pre-expand the set prior to retrieval. Thus it requires less memory resources than the Descendants function, allowing for more scalability in dealing with large sets, especially in a high-concurrency user environment. Large sets tend to be very sparse; therefore, very few members are returned given the current point of view as defined by the MDX current member stack.

For example, a healthcare provider may have a database containing Doctor and Geography dimensions. While there may be hundreds of thousands, even millions, of doctors, only a fraction have data associated with them for a given geographic location. Leaves is ideal for queries where the set is large but is sparse at a given point of view:

Select {[Copayments]} ON COLUMNS
CrossJoin(Leaves ([Doctors]), Leaves([Santa Clara County]) ON ROWS

The Leaves function is beneficial for queries on large dimensions.

In some cases, Leaves does require pre-expansion of sets, limiting the memory savings. Pre-expansion of sets likely will occur when the input member to Leaves is:


Leaves ( member )


The member for which contributing leaf members are sought



The following examples are based on the Asosamp.Sample database.

Example 1 (Leaves)

The following query returns the Units (items per package) for all level 0 Personal Electronics products for which the Units data is not #MISSING:

Leaves([Personal Electronics]) ON ROWS
FROM [Asosamp.Sample]

Because Leaves returns nonempty, level 0 descendants, the above query is identical to the following query:

NON EMPTY Descendants([Personal Electronics], [Products].Levels(0), SELF) ON ROWS
FROM [Asosamp.Sample]

These queries return the following grid:

(axis)Items Per Package
Digital Cameras3041
Photo Printers6002
Other Accessories117230

[Handhelds] was omitted from the result set because it has a value of #MISSING for the measure Units.

Example 2 (Leaves)

For this example, a third hierarchy called [Small Items] was added to the Products dimension.

Outline excerpt with a member [Small Items] added to Products dimension. [Small Items] has children [Digital Cameras],  [Camcorders], and [Handhelds/PDAs].

The following query

Leaves ([Small Items]) ON ROWS
FROM [Asosamp.Sample]

Returns the the following grid:

(axis)Items Per Package
Digital Cameras3041
Other Accessories117230

In addition to the primary members [Digital Cameras] and [Camcorders], Leaves also returned the primary members [Memory] and [Other Accessories], because these level-0 members contributed to [Small Items] via [Handhelds/PDAs].