
Returns a member from a prior time period as the specified or default time member.


ParallelPeriod ( [layer [,index [,member [, hierarchy ]]]])


Optional layer specification. If omitted, the same layer is assumed.


Number of time periods to count back in the specified layer.


Optional member specification. If omitted, the default member is assumed (for more information, see Defaultmember).


Optional. A specific hierarchy within the time dimension.


If layer, index, and member are present, this function determines the member ANCESTOR1, which is computed as

Ancestor(member, layer)

The member ANCESTOR2 is then computed as

Lag(ANCESTOR1, index)

The return value of this function is then computed as

Cousin(member, ANCESTOR2)

If layer and index are present and member is absent, member is taken to be the current member along the dimension associated with layer. The returned value is determined as above.

If only layer is present, index is taken to be 1, and member is taken to be the current member along the dimension associated with layer. The returned value is determined as above.

If layer, index, and member are all absent, member is taken to be CurrentMember along TIME Dimension, index is taken to be 1, and layer is taken to be the generation of the parent of member. The returned value is determined as above.

See Also