MDX Query Limits


The following concepts are applicable to understanding MDX query limits.



NON EMPTY processing

Refers to how Essbase processes MDX queries and sets when the NON EMPTY keywords are used in an axis specification. The NON EMPTY specification optimizes processing by suppressing slices that would contain entirely #MISSING values.

Cluster elements / symmetric sets

Although an MDX set is a collection of tuples, internally, Essbase represents sets using clusters and tuples. A cluster is a type of set derived using the CrossJoin function, where the arguments to CrossJoin are sets from one dimension only.

A cluster can also be thought of as a symmetric set. The following set is a symmetric set and can be stored as one cluster.


A tuple is a collection of members from different dimensions. The following set has one tuple.

{([Product].Product_1, [Market].Market_1)}

The following set is a union of the above two sets. It is stored internally as a cluster and a tuple.

{([Product].Product_1, [Market].Market_1)}

Compact set

A set is stored in compact form if it can be internally represented as a cluster or symmetric set.

Flattened set

A set that must be internally expanded into tuples is a flattened set. Flattened sets consume more memory to be processed. Certain MDX functions, such as Order, need to flatten sets in order to process them correctly. Therefore, certain functions, as listed in the next section, have different set size or query limits.

The following set is an example of a flattened set.

{(Colas, East)
(Colas, West)
(Colas, South)
(Colas, Central)
(Root Beer, East)
(Root Beer, West)
(Root Beer, South)
(Root Beer, Central
(Cream Soda, East)
(Cream Soda, West)
(Cream Soda, South)
(Cream Soda, Central)
(Fruit Soda, East)
(Fruit Soda, West)
(Fruit Soda, South)
(Fruit Soda, Central)}

Asymmetric set

The following set is stored internally as a collection of a tuple element and a cluster element. The two elements cannot be combined into a single element. Such sets are called asymmetric sets.

UNION({(Colas, East)}

MDX Query Limits

The following size limitations apply to MDX queries, sets, and certain functions.


The following exception applies to the general query limits: If the database being queried is the target database of a partition, the maximum size of a cube region you can query using MDX is 2 32 potential cells.


Number of cells in a query region defined by all axis sets in an MDX query with NON EMPTY clause


Number of cells that can be returned to a client after NON EMPTY processing


Number of cells in a query region defined by all axis sets in an MDX query with no NON EMPTY clause


Number of tuples in an axis set with NON EMPTY directive after NON EMPTY processing


Size of a set in compact form


Size of a set in flattened form


Number of elements in a set


Number of members (from all dimensions) in a cluster element


Number of cells in a query after applying non empty cell processing


Size of a set that can be processed by the following functions:

  • Distinct

  • Except

  • Filter

  • Intersect

  • Ntile

  • Order

  • Percentile

  • Rank

  • TopPercent

  • BottomPercent

  • TopSum

  • BottomSum

  • Hierarchize

  • Union (with removal of duplicates)

  • NonEmptySubset (output set size)

  • TopCount (output set size)

  • BottomCount (output set size)


EssMdx API

  • Maximum number of tuples/clusters on an axis—229-1

  • Maximum number of cells (when cell status is not requested)—227-1

  • Maximum number of cells (when cell status is not requested)—approximately 226-1

MDX queries run through MaxL

  • Maximum number of columns—229-1

  • Maximum number of rows—229-1