When set to false, does not prevent the Essbase Server from going beyond 31 MDX formula execution levels.




MDXLIMITFORMULARECURSION limits the number of execution levels of MDX calculated members or formulas. MDX calculated member or formula execution may be recursive (for example, a formula can refer to itself, or a calculated member can refer to itself). By default, Essbase limits the number of MDX formula execution levels, because formulas with excessive execution levels may lead to stack overflow errors and crash the server. However, setting MDXLIMITFORMULARECURSION to FALSE prevents Essbase from imposing the limitation. You can use this setting when you know that a recursive execution in a formula/calculated member will eventually terminate, and you wish to have a recursion depth greater than 31.

If an MDX formula reaches 31 execution levels and MDXLIMITFORMULARECURSION is not set, or is set to TRUE, Essbase stops processing that formula and writes error messages in the application log. If a formula reaches 31 execution levels and MDXLIMITFORMULARECURSION is set to FALSE, Essbase continues processing that formula.


Before setting MDXLIMITFORMULARECURSION to FALSE, be sure that the MDX formulas in the outline are not infinitely recursive; for example, be sure that formulas do not depend on each other. Infinite formula recursion may crash the server.