Calculates the period-to-date values of members in the dimension tagged as Time. By default, data is summed unless Accounts are tagged as "First" or "Last".


@PTD (timePeriodList)


Range of members from the dimension tagged as Time.



In this example, assume that the Year dimension in the Sample Basic database outline contains two additional members, YTD and QTD. Using a calculation script, the YTD and QTD members are calculated as follows:

YTD = @PTD(Jan:May);
QTD = @PTD(Apr:May);

In this example Opening Inventory is tagged with a time balance of First, and Ending Inventory is tagged with a time balance of Last.

This example produces the following report:

                            Product   Market   Scenario                                                         
                   Sales    Opening Inventory     Ending Inventory
                   =====    =================     ================
Jan                31538         117405               116434
Feb                32069         116434               115558
Mar                32213         115558               119143
  Qtr1             95820         117405               119143
Apr                32917         119143               125883
May                33674         125883               136145
Jun                35088         136145               143458
  Qtr2            101679         119143               143458
QTD                66591         245026               262028
YTD               162411         362431               381171

See Also

  • @NPV