Causes a report to be printed in an asymmetric format.

This command reverses a previously specified SYM command in an asymmetric report.

If <SYM is used, all report headers appear in a symmetric format, even if there are equal numbers of members in each row of the column header. <ASYM turns off symmetric mode.


Essbase prints an asymmetric report (with BLOCKHEADERS) only when all column dimensions include the same number of selected members and all members from each column dimension are on the same line. Otherwise, a symmetric report (with PYRAMIDHEADERS) is produced.




If the number of members you select from one column dimension differs from the number of members you select from another column dimension, the resulting report is always symmetric.


The following example is based on Sample Basic.

<PAGE (Measures, Market)
South Sales
     <COLUMN (Scenario, Year)
     Actual Budget
     Jan Feb
<ROW (Product)

Which produces the following reports:

                    Sales Texas 
                       Actual            Budget      
                      Jan      Feb      Jan      Feb 
                 ======== ======== ======== ======== 

100-10                452      465      560      580 
100-20                190      190      230      230 
100-30           #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing 
  100                 642      655      790      810 

                    Sales Texas 
                   Actual   Budget 
                      Jan      Feb 
                 ======== ======== 
100-10                452      580 
100-20                190      230 
100-30           #Missing #Missing 
  100                 642      810 

See Also

  • SYM