Sample 15-B: Calculated Rows and Missing Relationships

This sample report is a simple summary of information in a North/South grouping, which is not part of the database outline. When relationships that you need for reporting are missing in the database outline, often the best solution is to use calculated rows (or columns).

           Budget Payroll

                      Jan      Feb      Mar 
                     ====     ====     ==== 
Northern Cities
New_York            1,940    1,930    1,930 
Boston              1,610    1,610    1,610 
Chicago             1,630    1,630    1,630 
San_Francisco       1,815    1,815    1,815 
Seattle             1,415    1,409    1,409 

Southern Cities
Denver              1,499    1,499    1,499 
Los_Angeles         1,757    1,787    1,787 
Dallas              1,002    1,002    1,002 
Phoenix               900      900      900 
Houston               834      834      834 

Total Northern      8,410    8,394    8,394 
Total Southern      5,992    6,022    6,022

Use the following script to create Sample 15-B:

// Declare Calculated Rows to Sum Southern and Northern Cities
{ CALCULATE ROW "Total Southern" OFF

// initially, set operation to OFF
  CALCULATE ROW "Total Northern" OFF  }

{ RENAME "" } Product             // all products, so blank out
                                  // the Product Label
     Jan  Feb  Mar

<ROW(Market)                      // Northern Cities

{ SETROWOP "Total Northern" +     // Accumulate for Northern

IMMHEADING                                              // Put out heading now so text
                                  // will go after it
Text 0 "Northern Cities" UCHARACTERS

New_York Boston  Chicago San_Francisco Seattle

//Southern Cities

{ SETROWOP "Total Southern" +   } // Accumulate for Southern
{ SETROWOP "Total Northern" OFF } // Stop Accumulation for Northern

{ SKIP Text 0 "Southern Cities" UCHARACTERS }

Denver  Los_Angeles Dallas  Phoenix Houston

PRINTROW "Total Northern"         // output calculated rows
PRINTROW "Total Southern"

This report script, ROWCALC2.REP, is available in the \ARBORPATH\App\Demo\Basic directory, and is displayed in Enterprise View in Administration Services.