Sample 17: Restricting Rows

The following report demonstrates the use of the RESTRICT conditional retrieval command in a report script. For a discussion of various issues related to use of the RESTRICT command, see "Restricting and Ordering Data Values" in the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.


                                   Actual            Budget      
                                Jan      Dec      Jan      Dec 
                           ======== ======== ======== ======== 

East        200                 158      233      280      340 
            300                 184      277      240      210 
            Diet                181      213      200      240 
South       300                 188      213      270      240 
            400            #Missing #Missing #Missing #Missing 

Use the following script to create Sample 17:

<Column (Scenario, Year)
Actual Budget
Jan Dec
<Row (Market, Product)
<Ichildren Market
<Ichildren Product
<Restrict (@DataCol(3) < $300.00 )

The RESTRICT command specifies that only data values that are less than $300.00 are returned for each row grouping, based on the target data values specified in column three (Budget, Jan). Notice that no row dimension is selected here, so the report output defaults to the innermost row.

This report script, RESTRICT.REP, is available in the \ARBORPATH\App\Sample\Basic directory, and is displayed in Enterprise View in Administration Services.