Sample 3: Nesting Columns

Each page produced by this report sample contains Sales information for a given Market. The report has two groups of columns across the page. The Actual and Budget members are the nested column group below Year members.

Note that the Actual and Budget members are on the same line in the report. You can put multiple commands on one line, but report commands are easier to read if they are spread out.

                                     Sales East 

                     Jan             Feb             Mar             Qtr1      
               Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  
              ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======  

Stereo          2,788   2,950   2,482   2,700   2,569   2,700   7,839   8,350  
Compact_Disc    3,550   3,450   3,285   3,250   3,458   3,250  10,293   9,950  
  Audio         6,338   6,400   5,767   5,950   6,027   5,950  18,132  18,300  
Television      5,244   4,800   4,200   4,300   3,960   4,300  13,404  13,400  
VCR             4,311   4,200   3,734   3,700   3,676   3,700  11,721  11,600  
Camera          2,656   2,850   2,525   2,670   2,541   2,670   7,722   8,190  
  Visual       12,211  11,850  10,459  10,670  10,177  10,670  32,847  33,190  
    Product    18,549  18,250  16,226  16,620  16,204  16,620  50,979  51,490  
                                      Sales West 

                    Jan             Feb             Mar             Qtr1      
              Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  
              ====== ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======  

Stereo         4,102   4,000   3,723   3,600   3,808   3,600  11,633  11,200  
Compact_Disc   4,886   4,700   4,647   4,400   4,788   4,400  14,321  13,500  
  Audio        8,988   8,700   8,370   8,000   8,596   8,000  25,954  24,700  
Television     5,206   5,100   4,640   4,600   4,783   4,600  14,629  14,300  
VCR            4,670   4,650   4,667   4,200   4,517   4,200  13,854  13,050  
Camera         3,815   4,050   3,463   3,750   3,478   3,750  10,756  11,550  
  Visual      13,691  13,800  12,770  12,550  12,778  12,550  39,239  38,900  
    Product   22,679  22,500  21,140  20,550  21,374  20,550  65,193  63,600  
                                      Sales South

                    Jan            Feb             Mar             Qtr1
              Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  
            ======== ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======  

Television     3,137   3,400   2,929   3,100   2,815   3,100   8,881   9,600  
VCR            3,225   3,400   3,206   3,100   3,120   3,100   9,551   9,600  
Camera         2,306   2,400   2,167   2,400   2,168   2,400   6,641   7,200  
  Visual       8,668   9,200   8,302   8,600   8,103   8,600  25,073  26,400  
    Product    8,668   9,200   8,302   8,600   8,103   8,600  25,073  26,400  
                                  Sales Market 

                   Jan            Feb             Mar             Qtr1       
             Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  Actual  Budget  
            ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======  

Stereo        6,890   6,950   6,205   6,300   6,377   6,300  19,472  19,550  
Compact_Disc  8,436   8,150   7,932   7,650   8,246   7,650  24,614  23,450  
  Audio      15,326  15,100  14,137  13,950  14,623  13,950  44,086  43,000  
Television   13,587  13,300  11,769  12,000  11,558  12,000  36,914  37,300  
VCR          12,206  12,250  11,607  11,000  11,313  11,000  35,126  34,250  
Camera        8,777   9,300   8,155   8,820   8,187   8,820  25,119  26,940  
  Visual     34,570  34,850  31,531  31,820  31,058  31,820  97,159  98,490  
    Product  49,896  49,950  45,668  45,770  45,681  45,770 141,245 141,490  

Use the following script to create Sample 3:

<PAGE (Accounts, Market)
      <COLUMN (Year, Scenario)
      <ICHILDREN Qtr1
       Actual Budget

The report selects four Markets because the <ICHILDREN command is applied to Market. Only Sales is selected from the other page dimension, so the report has four pages.

For the South, all the rows of Product data are not displayed. Recall that the cities in the South do not sell every Product. The report uses the SUPMISSINGROWS format command to suppress the output of any member rows with all missing values.

This report script, COLGROUP.REP, is available in the \ARBORPATH\App\Demo\Basic directory, and is displayed in Enterprise View in Administration Services.